[PATCH] RISC-V : Support bitmanip-0.93 ZBA/ZBB/ZBC instructions

Kito Cheng kito.cheng@gmail.com
Mon Mar 8 05:32:04 GMT 2021

> This looks good to me.  I think this is OK to install.
> Do we want a -menable-experimental-extensions option to control this since
> it is frozen but not yet accepted?  Or do we want to accept it as is?  We
> can worry about this after the patch goes in since it doesn't really matter
> until the next binutils release.

I would prefer to keep those behind -menable-experimental-extensions,
they are frozen, but I think it's still not clear enough on RVB spec...

And this could be a separate patch, just done before the next release
is fine to me.

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