[PATCH 2/2][Binutils][Arm]: Fix LSB of GOT for Thumb2 only PLT

Amol suratiamol@gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 10:43:32 GMT 2020

Hi Tamar,

On 30/03/2020, Tamar Christina <tamar.christina@arm.com> wrote:
> However I have not been able to do an execution test since I do not have a way
> to actually test this. I am hoping the user who reported it can test it but the
> patch is sound based on principles.

The issue was originally reported on Arm's community by a user rgujju [1];
I was just the debugger.

> Amol would you be able to confirm the patch works on your setup?

The .got entries for both the binaries
   (a) on the ld/16017, and
   (b) on the setup at [1],
now have the LSB set, where previously they did not.

I tested the setup at [1], but on qemu alone; the control now
successfully jumps to the plt0 stub, where previously it would just crash
attempting that jump.

If it isn't too late, you may want to flag rgujju as the reporter of the bug.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

[1] https://community.arm.com/developer/ip-products/processors/f/cortex-m-forum/45919/gcc-does-not-generate-correct-code-while-building-pic


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