[committed 3/3] MIPS/LD/testsuite: mips-elf-flags: Add MIPS ABI Flags handling

Maciej W. Rozycki macro@imgtec.com
Tue Jun 27 02:04:00 GMT 2017

Complement commit 351cdf24d223 ("[MIPS] Implement O32 FPXX, FP64 and 
FP64A ABI extensions") and add optional MIPS ABI Flags handling to 
`good_combination' in the `mips-elf-flags.exp' test script.  This lets 
callers of this procedure request to examine MIPS ABI Flags in addition 
to the `e_flags' member of the ELF file header so as to verify that 
flags are merged correctly by LD.  The presence of further arguments 
triggers this verification, in which case `readelf' is called with the 
`-A' option additionally specified and the ISA member, the ISA Extension
member and the ASEs member will be examined as per the arguments.

Unlike with `readelf -h' output consider a failure to retrieve the 
member requested a test case failure rather than an unresolved result.  
This is because unlike with the `e_flags' member of the ELF file header 
which is always there in any valid ELF file the MIPS ABI Flags structure 
is optional in LD output and the absence of this structure when expected 
is surely a bug in LD.

	* testsuite/ld-mips-elf/mips-elf-flags.exp (good_combination):
	Add an `args' final argument and examination code for `readelf 
	-A' output.  Update procedure description accordingly.
Index: binutils/ld/testsuite/ld-mips-elf/mips-elf-flags.exp
--- binutils.orig/ld/testsuite/ld-mips-elf/mips-elf-flags.exp	2017-06-23 22:27:48.524687829 +0100
+++ binutils/ld/testsuite/ld-mips-elf/mips-elf-flags.exp	2017-06-24 00:57:39.523073083 +0100
@@ -56,9 +56,14 @@ proc assemble_for_flags {arglist} {
 # Assemble a file using each set of arguments in ARGLIST.  Check that
-# the objects can be linked together and that the `readelf -h' output
-# includes each flag named in FLAGS.
-proc good_combination {arglist flags} {
+# the objects can be linked together and that the `readelf -h' output
+# includes each flag named in FLAGS.  Additional one or more arguments
+# request the addition of the `-A' option to `readelf' invocation.  In
+# this case check MIPS ABI Flags reported for the ISA to match the
+# first of these arguments, the ISA Extension to match the second, and
+# the ASEs listed are exactly the same as those listed in the third,
+# passed as a TCL list.
+proc good_combination {arglist flags args} {
     global ld ldemul READELF
     set finalobj "tmpdir/mips-flags.o"
@@ -70,7 +75,8 @@ proc good_combination {arglist flags} {
     } elseif {![ld_link "$ld $ldemul" $finalobj "-r $objs"]} {
 	fail $testname
     } else {
-	set cmd "$READELF -h $finalobj"
+	set A [expr {[llength $args] > 0} ? {"A"} : {""}]
+	set cmd "$READELF -h$A $finalobj"
 	send_log "$cmd\n"
 	set cmdret [remote_exec host [concat sh -c [list "$cmd 2>&1"]]]
 	set output [lindex $cmdret 1]
@@ -91,6 +97,47 @@ proc good_combination {arglist flags} {
 		    set failed 1
+	    set isa [string trim [lindex $args 0]]
+	    if {$isa != ""
+		&& (![regexp "ISA: *(\[^\n\r\]*)" $output full gotisa]
+		    || ![string match $isa $gotisa])} {
+		set failed 1
+	    }
+	    set ext [string trim [lindex $args 1]]
+	    if {$ext != ""
+		&& (![regexp "ISA Extension: *(\[^\n\r\]*)" \
+		      $output full gotext]
+		    || ![string match $ext $gotext])} {
+		set failed 1
+	    }
+	    set ases [string trim [lindex $args 2]]
+	    if {[llength $ases] > 0} {
+		if {![regexp "ASEs:\[\n\r\]+((?:\t\[^\n\r\]*\[\n\r\]+)*)" \
+		      $output full gotases]} {
+		    set failed 1
+		} else {
+		    # GOTASES is a list of strings separated by tab and
+		    # line separator characters.  Convert it to a TCL list.
+		    regsub -all "\[\n\r\t\]+" $gotases "\n" gotases
+		    set gotases [split [string trim $gotases] "\n"]
+		    foreach ase $ases {
+			set aseidx [lsearch -exact $gotases $ase]
+			if {$aseidx >= 0} {
+			    set gotases [lreplace $gotases $aseidx $aseidx]
+			} else {
+			    set failed 1
+			}
+		    }
+		    if {[llength $gotases] > 0} {
+			set failed 1
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
 	    if {$failed} {
 		fail $testname
 	    } else {

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