[PATCH 07/14] or32 and openrisc cgen changes

Christian Svensson blue@cmd.nu
Tue Mar 11 11:53:00 GMT 2014

This patch removes CGEN files for old OpenRISC targets.
 cpu/openrisc.cpu |  774 ------------------------------------------------------
 cpu/openrisc.opc |  164 ------------
 2 files changed, 938 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 cpu/openrisc.cpu
 delete mode 100644 cpu/openrisc.opc

diff --git a/cpu/openrisc.cpu b/cpu/openrisc.cpu
deleted file mode 100644
index 17cc313..0000000
--- a/cpu/openrisc.cpu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,774 +0,0 @@
-; OpenRISC family.  -*- Scheme -*-
-; Copyright 2000, 2001, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-; Contributed by Johan Rydberg, jrydberg@opencores.org
-; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-; (at your option) any later version.
-; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-; GNU General Public License for more details.
-; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-(include "simplify.inc")
-; OpenRISC 1000 is an architecture of a family of open source, 
-; synthesizeable RISC microprocessor cores. It is a 32-bit load 
-; and  store RISC architecture designed  with emphasis on speed,
-; compact instruction set and scalability. OpenRISC 1000 targets
-; wide range of embedded environments. 
-  (name openrisc)
-  (comment "OpenRISC 1000")
-  (insn-lsb0? #t)
-  (machs openrisc or1300)
-  (isas or32)
-; Attributes
-; An attribute to describe if a model has insn and/or data caches.
-  (for model)
-  (type enum)
-  (name HAS-CACHE)
-  (comment "if this model has caches")
-; An attribute to describe if an insn can be in the delay slot or not.
-  (for insn)
-  (type boolean)
-  (comment "insn can't go in delay slot")
-; IDOC attribute for instruction documentation.
-  (for insn)
-  (type enum)
-  (name IDOC)
-  (comment "insn kind for documentation")
-  (attrs META)
-  (values
-   (MEM - () "Memory")
-   (ALU - () "ALU")
-   (FPU - () "FPU")
-   (BR - () "Branch")
-   (PRIV - () "Priviledged")
-   (MISC - () "Miscellaneous")
-  )
-; Enum for exception vectors.
-  (name e-exception)
-  (comment "exception vectors")
-  (attrs)
-  (prefix E_)
-  (values (("RESET") ("BUSERR" -) ("DPF" -) ("IPF" -) ("EXTINT" -) ("ALIGN" -) 
-          ("ILLEGAL" -) ("PEINT" -) ("DTLBMISS" -) ("ITLBMISS" -) ("RRANGE" -) 
-          ("SYSCALL" -) ("BREAK" -) ("RESERVED" -)))
-; Instruction set parameters.
-  ; Name of the ISA.
-  (name or32)
-  ; Base insturction length.  The insns is always 32 bits wide.
-  (base-insn-bitsize 32)
-  ; Address of insn in delay slot
-  (setup-semantics (set-quiet (reg h-delay-insn) (add pc 4)))
-; CPU family definitions.
-  ; CPU names must be distinct from the architecture name and machine names.
-  ; The "b" suffix stands for "base" and is the convention.
-  ; The "f" suffix stands for "family" and is the convention.
-  (name openriscbf)
-  (comment "OpenRISC base family")
-  (endian big)
-  (word-bitsize 32)
-; Generic machine
-  (name openrisc)
-  (comment "Generic OpenRISC cpu")
-  (cpu openriscbf)
-  (bfd-name "openrisc")
-; OpenRISC 1300 machine
-  (name or1300)
-  (comment "OpenRISC 1300")
-  (cpu openriscbf)
-  (bfd-name "openrisc:1300")
-; Model descriptions
-; Generic OpenRISC model 
-  (name openrisc-1) (comment "OpenRISC generic model")  (attrs)
-  (mach openrisc)
-  ; Nothing special about this.
-  (unit u-exec "Execution Unit" () 1 1 () () () ())
-; OpenRISC 1320 
-  (name or1320-1) (comment "OpenRISC 1320 model") 
-  ; This model has both instruction and data cache
-  (mach or1300)
-  ; Nothing special about this.
-  (unit u-exec "Execution Unit" () 1 1 () () () ())
-; Instruction fields.
-; Attributes:
-;  . PCREL-ADDR  pc relative value (for reloc and disassembly purposes)
-;  . ABS-ADDR    absolute address (for reloc and disassembly purposes?)
-;  . RESERVED    bits are not used to decode insn, must be all 0
-; Instruction classes.
-(dnf f-class     "insn class"          () 31 2)
-(dnf f-sub       "sub class"           () 29 4)
-; Register fields.
-(dnf f-r1        "r1"                  () 25 5)
-(dnf f-r2        "r2"                  () 20 5)
-(dnf f-r3        "r3"                  () 15 5)
-; Immediates.
-(df  f-simm16    "signed imm (16)"     () 15 16 INT #f #f)
-(dnf f-uimm16    "unsigned imm (16)"   () 15 16)
-(dnf f-uimm5     "unsigned imm (5)"    () 4  5)
-(df  f-hi16      "high 16"             () 15 16 INT #f #f)
-(df  f-lo16      "low 16"              () 15 16 INT #f #f)
-; Sub fields
-(dnf f-op1       "op1"                 () 31 2)
-(dnf f-op2       "op2"                 () 29 4)
-(dnf f-op3       "op3"                 () 25 2)
-(dnf f-op4       "op4"                 () 23 3)
-(dnf f-op5       "op3"                 () 25 5)
-(dnf f-op6       "op4"                 () 7  3)
-(dnf f-op7       "op5"                 () 3  4)
-(dnf f-i16-1     "uimm16-1"            () 10 11)
-(dnf f-i16-2     "uimm16-2"            () 25  5)
-; PC relative, 26-bit (2 shifted to right)
-(df f-disp26     "disp26"              (PCREL-ADDR) 25 26 INT
-    ((value pc) (sra WI (sub WI value pc) (const 2)))
-    ((value pc) (add WI (sll WI value (const 2)) pc)))
-; absolute, 26-bit (2 shifted to right)
-(df f-abs26      "abs26"               (ABS-ADDR) 25 26 INT
-    ((value pc) (sra WI pc     (const 2)))
-    ((value pc) (sll WI value  (const 2))))
-  (name f-i16nc)
-  (comment "16 bit signed")
-  (attrs SIGN-OPT)
-  (mode HI)
-  (subfields f-i16-1 f-i16-2)
-  (insert (sequence ()
-                    (set (ifield f-i16-2) (and (sra (ifield f-i16nc) 
-                                                    (const 11)) 
-                                               (const #x1f)))
-                    (set (ifield f-i16-1) (and (ifield f-i16nc) 
-                                               (const #x7ff)))))
-  (extract (sequence ()
-                     (set (ifield f-i16nc) (c-raw-call SI "@arch@_sign_extend_16bit" 
-                                           (or (sll (ifield f-i16-2) 
-                                                    (const 11))
-                                               (ifield f-i16-1))))))
-; Enums.
-; insn-class: bits 31-30
-(define-normal-insn-enum insn-class "FIXME" () OP1_ f-class
-  (.map .str (.iota 4))
-(define-normal-insn-enum insn-sub "FIXME" () OP2_ f-sub
-  (.map .str (.iota 16))
-(define-normal-insn-enum insn-op3 "FIXME" () OP3_ f-op3
-  (.map .str (.iota 4))
-(define-normal-insn-enum insn-op4 "FIXME" () OP4_ f-op4
-  (.map .str (.iota 8))
-(define-normal-insn-enum insn-op5  "FIXME" () OP5_ f-op5
-  (.map .str (.iota 32))
-(define-normal-insn-enum insn-op6  "FIXME" () OP6_ f-op6
-  (.map .str (.iota 8))
-(define-normal-insn-enum insn-op7  "FIXME" () OP7_ f-op7
-  (.map .str (.iota 16))
-; Hardware pieces.
-; These entries list the elements of the raw hardware.
-; They're also used to provide tables and other elements of the assembly
-; language.
-(dnh h-pc "program counter" (PC PROFILE) (pc) () () ())
-  (name h-gr) (comment "general registers") (attrs PROFILE)
-  (type register WI (32))
-  (indices keyword ""
-           ((r0 0) (r1 1) (r2 2) (r3 3) (r4 4) (r5 5) (r6 6) (r7 7)
-            (r8 8) (r9 9) (r10 10) (r11 11) (r12 12) (r13 13) (r14 14) 
-            (r15 15) (r16 16) (r17 17) (r18 18) (r19 19) (r20 20) 
-            (r21 21) (r22 22) (r23 23) (r24 24) (r25 25) (r26 26) 
-            (r27 27) (r28 28) (r29 29) (r30 30) (r31 31) (lr 11) 
-            (sp 1)  (fp 2)))
-  (name h-sr) (comment "special registers")
-  (type register WI (#x20000))    
-  (get (index) (c-call SI "@arch@_h_sr_get_handler" index))
-  (set (index newval) (c-call VOID "@arch@_h_sr_set_handler" index newval))
-(dnh h-hi16 "high 16 bits" () (immediate (INT 16)) () () ())
-(dnh h-lo16 "low 16 bits"  () (immediate (INT 16)) () () ())
-(dsh h-cbit "condition bit" () (register BI))
-(dsh h-delay-insn "delay insn addr" () (register SI))
-; Instruction operands.
-(dnop sr      "special register"           (SEM-ONLY)  h-sr   f-nil)
-(dnop cbit    "condition bit"              (SEM-ONLY)  h-cbit f-nil)
-(dnop simm-16 "16 bit signed immediate"    ()          h-sint f-simm16)
-(dnop uimm-16 "16 bit unsigned immediate"  ()          h-uint f-uimm16)
-(dnop disp-26 "pc-rel 26 bit"              ()          h-iaddr f-disp26)
-(dnop abs-26  "abs 26 bit"                 ()          h-iaddr f-abs26)
-(dnop uimm-5  "imm5"                       ()          h-uint f-uimm5)
-(dnop rD      "destination register"       ()          h-gr   f-r1)
-(dnop rA      "source register A"          ()          h-gr   f-r2)
-(dnop rB      "source register B"          ()          h-gr   f-r3)
-(dnop op-f-23 "f-op23"                     ()          h-uint f-op4)
-(dnop op-f-3  "f-op3"                      ()          h-uint f-op5)
-; For hi(foo).
-  (name hi16) (comment "high 16 bit immediate, sign optional") 
-  (attrs SIGN-OPT)
-  (type h-hi16)
-  (index f-simm16)
-  (handlers (parse "hi16"))
-; For lo(foo)
-  (name lo16) (comment "low 16 bit immediate, sign optional")
-  (attrs SIGN-OPT)
-  (type h-lo16)
-  (index f-lo16)
-  (handlers (parse "lo16"))
-  (name ui16nc)
-  (comment "16 bit immediate, sign optional")
-  (attrs)
-  (type h-lo16)
-  (index f-i16nc)
-  (handlers (parse "lo16"))
-; Instructions.
-; Branch releated instructions 
-(dni l-j "jump (absolute iaddr)"
-     ; This function may not be in delay slot
-     "l.j ${abs-26}"
-     (+ OP1_0 OP2_0 abs-26)
-     ; We execute the delay slot before doin' the real branch
-     (delay 1 (set pc abs-26))
-     ()
-(dni l-jal "jump and link (absolute iaddr)"
-     ; This function may not be in delay slot
-     "l.jal ${abs-26}"
-     (+ OP1_0 OP2_1 abs-26)
-     ; We execute the delay slot before doin' the real branch
-     ; Set LR to (delay insn addr + 4)
-     (sequence ()
-               (set (reg h-gr 11) (add (reg h-delay-insn) 4))
-               (delay 1 (set pc abs-26)))
-     ()
-(dni l-jr "jump register (absolute iaddr)"
-     ; This function may not be in delay slot
-     "l.jr $rA"
-     (+ OP1_0 OP2_5 OP3_0 OP4_0 rA uimm-16)
-     ; We execute the delay slot before doin' the real branch
-     (delay 1 (set pc rA))
-     ()
-(dni l-jalr "jump register and link (absolute iaddr)"
-     ; This function may not be in delay slot
-     "l.jalr $rA"
-     (+ OP1_0 OP2_5 OP3_0 OP4_1 rA uimm-16)
-     ; We save the value of rA in a temporary slot before setting
-     ; the link register.  This because "l.jalr r11" would cause
-     ; a forever-and-ever loop otherwise.
-     ;
-     ; We execute the delay slot before doin' the real branch
-     (sequence ((WI tmp-slot))
-               (set tmp-slot rA)
-               (set (reg h-gr 11) (add (reg h-delay-insn) 4))
-               (delay 1 (set pc tmp-slot)))
-     ()
-(dni l-bal "branch and link (pc relative iaddr)"
-     ; This function may not be in delay slot
-     "l.bal ${disp-26}"
-     (+ OP1_0 OP2_2 disp-26)
-     ; We execute the delay slot before doin' the real branch
-     ; Set LR to (delay insn addr + 4)
-     (sequence ()
-               (set (reg h-gr 11) (add (reg h-delay-insn) 4))
-               (delay 1 (set pc disp-26)))
-     ()
-(dni l-bnf "branch if condition bit not set (pc relative iaddr)"
-     ; This function may not be in delay slot
-     "l.bnf ${disp-26}"
-     (+ OP1_0 OP2_3 disp-26)
-     ; We execute the delay slot before doin' the real branch
-     (if (eq cbit 0)
-         (sequence ()
-                   (delay 1 (set pc disp-26))))
-     ()
-(dni l-bf "branch if condition bit is set (pc relative iaddr)"
-     ; This function may not be in delay slot
-     "l.bf ${disp-26}"
-     (+ OP1_0 OP2_4 disp-26)
-     ; We execute the delay slot before doin' the real branch
-     (if (eq cbit 1)
-         (sequence ()
-                   (delay 1 (set pc disp-26))))
-     ()
-(dni l-brk "break (exception)"
-     ; This function may not be in delay slot
-     "l.brk ${uimm-16}"
-     (+ OP1_0 OP2_5 OP3_3 OP4_0 rA uimm-16)
-     ; FIXME should we do it like this ??
-     (c-call VOID "@cpu@_cpu_brk" uimm-16)
-     ()
-(dni l-rfe "return from exception"
-     ; This function may not be in delay slot
-     "l.rfe $rA"
-     (+ OP1_0 OP2_5 OP3_0 OP4_2 rA uimm-16)
-     (sequence ()
-               (delay 1 (set pc (c-call SI "@cpu@_cpu_rfe" rA))))
-     ()
-(dni l-sys "syscall (exception)"
-     ; This function may not be in delay slot
-     "l.sys ${uimm-16}"
-     (+ OP1_0 OP2_5 OP3_2 OP4_0 rA uimm-16)
-     (sequence()
-              (delay 1 (set pc (c-call SI "@cpu@_except" pc 
-                                       #xc00 uimm-16))))
-     ()
-; Misc instructions
-(dni l-nop "nop"
-     ()
-     "l.nop"
-     (+ OP1_0 OP2_5 OP3_1 OP4_0 rA uimm-16)
-     (nop)
-     ()
-(dnmi l-ret "ret" ()
-      "l.ret"
-      (emit l-jr (rA 11) (uimm-16 0))
-(dni l-movhi "movhi"
-     (DELAY-SLOT)
-     "l.movhi $rD,$hi16"
-     (+ OP1_0 OP2_6 hi16 rD rA)
-     (set rD (sll WI hi16 (const 16)))
-     ()
-; System releated instructions
-(dni l-mfsr "mfsr"
-     (DELAY-SLOT)
-     "l.mfsr $rD,$rA"
-     (+ OP1_0 OP2_7 rD rA uimm-16)
-     (set rD (c-call SI "@cpu@_cpu_mfsr" rA))
-     ()
-(dni l-mtsr "mtsr"
-     (DELAY-SLOT)
-     "l.mtsr $rA,$rB"
-     (+ OP1_1 OP2_0 rA rB rD (f-i16-1 0))
-     (c-call VOID "@cpu@_cpu_mtsr" rA rB)
-     ()
-; Load instructions
-(dni l-lw "load word"
-     (DELAY-SLOT)
-     "l.lw $rD,${simm-16}($rA)"
-     (+ OP1_2 OP2_0 rD rA simm-16)
-     (set rD (mem SI (add rA simm-16)))
-     ()
-(dni l-lbz "load byte (zero extend)"
-     (DELAY-SLOT)
-     "l.lbz $rD,${simm-16}($rA)"
-     (+ OP1_2 OP2_1 rD rA simm-16)
-     (set rD (zext SI (mem QI (add rA simm-16))))
-     ()
-(dni l-lbs "load byte (sign extend)"
-     (DELAY-SLOT)
-     "l.lbs $rD,${simm-16}($rA)"
-     (+ OP1_2 OP2_2 rD rA simm-16)
-     (set rD (ext SI (mem QI (add rA simm-16))))
-     ()
-(dni l-lhz "load halfword (zero extend)"
-     (DELAY-SLOT)
-     "l.lhz $rD,${simm-16}($rA)"
-     (+ OP1_2 OP2_3 rD simm-16 rA)
-     (set rD (zext SI (mem HI (add rA simm-16))))
-     ()
-(dni l-lhs "load halfword (sign extend)"
-     (DELAY-SLOT)
-     "l.lhs $rD,${simm-16}($rA)"
-     (+ OP1_2 OP2_4 rD rA simm-16)
-     (set rD (ext SI (mem HI (add rA simm-16))))
-     ()
-; Store instructions
-; We have to use a multi field since the integer is splited over 2 fields
-(define-pmacro (store-insn mnemonic op2-op mode-op)
-  (begin
-     (dni (.sym l- mnemonic)
-          (.str "l." mnemonic " imm(reg)/reg")
-          (DELAY-SLOT)
-          (.str "l." mnemonic " ${ui16nc}($rA),$rB")
-          (+ OP1_3 op2-op rB rD ui16nc)
-          (set (mem mode-op (add rA ui16nc)) rB)
-          ()
-     )
-   )
-(store-insn sw OP2_5 SI)
-(store-insn sb OP2_6 QI)
-(store-insn sh OP2_7 HI)
-; Shift and rotate instructions
-; Reserved fields.
-(dnf f-f-15-8 "nop" (RESERVED) 15 8)
-(dnf f-f-10-3 "nop" (RESERVED) 10 3)
-(dnf f-f-4-1  "nop" (RESERVED) 4  1)
-(dnf f-f-7-3  "nop" (RESERVED) 7  3)
-(define-pmacro (shift-insn mnemonic op4-op)
-  (begin
-     (dni (.sym l- mnemonic)
-          (.str "l." mnemonic " reg/reg/reg")
-          ()
-          (.str "l." mnemonic " $rD,$rA,$rB")
-          (+ OP1_3 OP2_8 rD rA rB (f-f-10-3 0) op4-op (f-f-4-1 0) OP7_8)
-          (set rD (mnemonic rA rB))
-          ()
-     )
-     (dni (.sym l- mnemonic "i")
-          (.str "l." mnemonic " reg/reg/imm")
-          ()
-          (.str "l." mnemonic "i $rD,$rA,${uimm-5}")
-          (+ OP1_2 OP2_13 rD rA (f-f-15-8 0) op4-op uimm-5)
-          (set rD (mnemonic rA uimm-5))
-          ()
-     )
-   )
-(shift-insn sll OP6_0)
-(shift-insn srl OP6_1)
-(shift-insn sra OP6_2)
-(shift-insn ror OP6_4)
-; Arethmetic insns
-; Reserved fields.
-(dnf f-f-10-7 "nop" (RESERVED) 10 7)
-(define-pmacro (ar-insn-u mnemonic op2-op op5-op)
-  (begin
-     (dni (.sym l- mnemonic)
-          (.str "l." mnemonic " reg/reg/reg")
-          ()
-          (.str "l." mnemonic " $rD,$rA,$rB")
-          (+ OP1_3 OP2_8 rD rA rB (f-f-10-7 0) op5-op)
-          (set rD (mnemonic rA rB))
-          ()
-     )
-     (dni (.sym l- mnemonic "i")
-          (.str "l." mnemonic " reg/reg/lo16")
-          ()
-          (.str "l." mnemonic "i $rD,$rA,$lo16")
-          (+ OP1_2 op2-op rD rA lo16)
-          (set rD (mnemonic rA (and lo16 #xffff)))
-          ()
-     )
-   )
-(define-pmacro (ar-insn-s mnemonic op2-op op5-op)
-  (begin
-     (dni (.sym l- mnemonic)
-          (.str "l." mnemonic " reg/reg/reg")
-          ()
-          (.str "l." mnemonic " $rD,$rA,$rB")
-          (+ OP1_3 OP2_8 rD rA rB (f-f-10-7 0) op5-op)
-          (set rD (mnemonic rA rB))
-          ()
-     )
-     (dni (.sym l- mnemonic "i")
-          (.str "l." mnemonic " reg/reg/lo16")
-          ()
-          (.str "l." mnemonic "i $rD,$rA,$lo16")
-          (+ OP1_2 op2-op rD rA lo16)
-          (set rD (mnemonic rA lo16))
-          ()
-     )
-   )
-(ar-insn-s add OP2_5  OP7_0)
-;;(ar-op-s addc OP2_5  OP7_0)
-(ar-insn-s sub OP2_7  OP7_2)
-(ar-insn-u and OP2_8  OP7_3)
-(ar-insn-u or  OP2_9  OP7_4)
-(ar-insn-u xor OP2_10 OP7_5)
-(ar-insn-u mul OP2_11 OP7_6)
-;;(ar-op-u mac OP2_12 OP7_7)
-(dni l-div "divide (signed)"
-     (DELAY-SLOT)
-     "l.div $rD,$rA,$rB"
-     (+ OP1_3 OP2_8 rD rA rB (f-f-10-7 0) OP7_9)
-     (if VOID (eq rB (const 0))
-         (c-call VOID "@arch@_cpu_trap" pc (enum SI E_ILLEGAL))
-         (set rD (div rA rB)))
-     ()
-(dni l-divu "divide (unsigned)"
-     (DELAY-SLOT)
-     "l.divu $rD,$rA,$rB"
-     (+ OP1_3 OP2_8 rD rA rB (f-f-10-7 0) OP7_10)
-     (if VOID (eq rB (const 0))
-         (c-call VOID "@arch@_cpu_trap" pc (enum SI E_ILLEGAL))
-         (set rD (udiv rA rB))) 
-     ()
-; Compare instructions
-; Reserved fields.
-(dnf f-f-10-11 "nop" (RESERVED) 10 11)
-; Register compare (both signed and unsigned)
-(define-pmacro (sf-insn-r op1-op op2-op op3-op op3-op-2 sem-op)
-  (begin
-     (dni (.sym l- "sf" (.sym sem-op "s"))
-          (.str "l." mnemonic " reg/reg")
-          (DELAY-SLOT)
-          (.str "l.sf" (.str sem-op) "s $rA,$rB")
-          (+ op1-op op2-op op3-op-2 rA rB (f-f-10-11 0))
-          (set cbit (sem-op rA rB))
-          ()
-     )
-     (dni (.sym l- "sf" (.sym sem-op "u"))
-          (.str "l." mnemonic " reg/reg")
-          (DELAY-SLOT)
-          (.str "l.sf" (.str sem-op) "u $rA,$rB")
-          (+ op1-op op2-op op3-op rA rB (f-f-10-11 0))
-          (set cbit (sem-op rA rB))
-          ()
-     )
-   )
-; Immediate compare (both signed and unsigned)
-(define-pmacro (sf-insn-i op1-op op2-op op3-op op3-op-2 sem-op)
-  (begin
-     (dni (.sym l- "sf" (.sym sem-op "si"))
-          (.str "l." mnemonic "si reg/imm")
-          (DELAY-SLOT)
-          (.str "l.sf" (.str sem-op) "si $rA,${simm-16}")
-          (+ op1-op op2-op op3-op-2 rA simm-16)
-          (set cbit (sem-op rA simm-16))
-          ()
-     )
-     (dni (.sym l- "sf" (.sym sem-op "ui"))
-          (.str "l." mnemonic "ui reg/imm")
-          (DELAY-SLOT)
-          (.str "l.sf" (.str sem-op) "ui $rA,${uimm-16}")
-          (+ op1-op op2-op op3-op rA uimm-16)
-          (set cbit (sem-op rA uimm-16))
-          ()
-     )
-   )
-(define-pmacro (sf-insn op5-op sem-op)
-  (begin
-     (dni (.sym l- "sf" sem-op)
-          (.str "l." mnemonic " reg/reg")
-          (DELAY-SLOT)
-          (.str "l.sf" (.str sem-op) " $rA,$rB")
-          (+ OP1_3 OP2_9 op5-op rA rB (f-f-10-11 0))
-          (set cbit (sem-op rA rB))
-          ()
-     )
-     (dni (.sym l- "sf" (.sym sem-op "i"))
-          (.str "l." mnemonic "i reg/imm")
-          (DELAY-SLOT)
-          (.str "l.sf" (.str sem-op) "i $rA,${simm-16}")
-          (+ OP1_2 OP2_14 op5-op rA simm-16)
-          (set cbit (sem-op rA simm-16))
-          ()
-     )
-   )
-(sf-insn-r OP1_3 OP2_9 OP5_2 OP5_6 gt)
-(sf-insn-r OP1_3 OP2_9 OP5_3 OP5_7 ge)
-(sf-insn-r OP1_3 OP2_9 OP5_4 OP5_8 lt)
-(sf-insn-r OP1_3 OP2_9 OP5_5 OP5_9 le)
-(sf-insn-i OP1_2 OP2_14 OP5_2 OP5_6 gt)
-(sf-insn-i OP1_2 OP2_14 OP5_3 OP5_7 ge)
-(sf-insn-i OP1_2 OP2_14 OP5_4 OP5_8 lt)
-(sf-insn-i OP1_2 OP2_14 OP5_5 OP5_9 le)
-(sf-insn   OP5_0 eq)
-(sf-insn   OP5_1 ne)
diff --git a/cpu/openrisc.opc b/cpu/openrisc.opc
deleted file mode 100644
index 291be51..0000000
--- a/cpu/openrisc.opc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-/* OpenRISC opcode support.  -*- C -*-
-   Copyright 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   Contributed by Red Hat Inc;
-   This file is part of the GNU Binutils.
-   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-   (at your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston,
-   MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* This file is an addendum to or32.cpu.  Heavy use of C code isn't
-   appropriate in .cpu files, so it resides here.  This especially applies
-   to assembly/disassembly where parsing/printing can be quite involved.
-   Such things aren't really part of the specification of the cpu, per se,
-   so .cpu files provide the general framework and .opc files handle the
-   nitty-gritty details as necessary.
-   Each section is delimited with start and end markers.
-   <arch>-opc.h additions use: "-- opc.h"
-   <arch>-opc.c additions use: "-- opc.c"
-   <arch>-asm.c additions use: "-- asm.c"
-   <arch>-dis.c additions use: "-- dis.c"
-   <arch>-ibd.h additions use: "-- ibd.h"  */
-/* -- opc.h */
-#define CGEN_DIS_HASH_SIZE 64
-#undef  CGEN_DIS_HASH
-#define CGEN_DIS_HASH(buffer, value) (((unsigned char *) (buffer))[0] >> 2)
-extern long openrisc_sign_extend_16bit (long);
-/* -- */
-/* -- opc.c */
-/* -- */
-/* -- asm.c */
-static const char * MISSING_CLOSING_PARENTHESIS = N_("missing `)'");
-openrisc_sign_extend_16bit (long value)
-  return ((value & 0xffff) ^ 0x8000) - 0x8000;
-/* Handle hi().  */
-static const char *
-parse_hi16 (CGEN_CPU_DESC cd, const char ** strp, int opindex, long * valuep)
-  const char *errmsg;
-  enum cgen_parse_operand_result result_type;
-  unsigned long ret;
-  if (**strp == '#')
-    ++*strp;
-  if (strncasecmp (*strp, "hi(", 3) == 0)
-    {
-      bfd_vma value;
-      *strp += 3;
-      errmsg = cgen_parse_address (cd, strp, opindex, BFD_RELOC_HI16,
-				   & result_type, & value);
-      if (**strp != ')')
-      ++*strp;
-      if (errmsg == NULL
-          && result_type == CGEN_PARSE_OPERAND_RESULT_NUMBER)
-        value >>= 16;
-      ret = value;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      if (**strp == '-')
-	{
-	  long value;
-	  errmsg = cgen_parse_signed_integer (cd, strp, opindex, &value);
-	  ret = value;
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  unsigned long value;
-	  errmsg = cgen_parse_unsigned_integer (cd, strp, opindex, &value);
-	  ret = value;
-	}
-    }
-  *valuep = ((ret & 0xffff) ^ 0x8000) - 0x8000;
-  return errmsg;
-/* Handle lo().  */
-static const char *
-parse_lo16 (CGEN_CPU_DESC cd, const char ** strp, int opindex, long * valuep)
-  const char *errmsg;
-  enum cgen_parse_operand_result result_type;
-  unsigned long ret;
-  if (**strp == '#')
-    ++*strp;
-  if (strncasecmp (*strp, "lo(", 3) == 0)
-    {
-      bfd_vma value;
-      *strp += 3;
-      errmsg = cgen_parse_address (cd, strp, opindex, BFD_RELOC_LO16,
-				   & result_type, & value);
-      if (**strp != ')')
-      ++*strp;
-      ret = value;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      if (**strp == '-')
-	{
-	  long value;
-	  errmsg = cgen_parse_signed_integer (cd, strp, opindex, &value);
-	  ret = value;
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  unsigned long value;
-	  errmsg = cgen_parse_unsigned_integer (cd, strp, opindex, &value);
-	  ret = value;
-	}
-    }
-  *valuep = ((ret & 0xffff) ^ 0x8000) - 0x8000;
-  return errmsg;
-/* -- */
-/* -- ibd.h */
-extern long openrisc_sign_extend_16bit (long);
-/* -- */

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