[patch bfd]: Adjust handling for plugin-generated sections for pe-coff targets

Alan Modra amodra@gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 04:02:00 GMT 2011

On Sun, Oct 09, 2011 at 08:21:46PM +0200, Kai Tietz wrote:
> So after some research I found the cause for this.  As any global
> symbol is visible from outside of claimed object realm,  we can ease
> for COFF is_visible_from_outside function in plugin.c file.  As
> visibility concepts isn't known to COFF targets too, none of the
> checks within this functions are necessary.

No, the function deals with IR symbols.  See the comment, which says
gcc does give you visibility on symbols for non-ELF targets.  I'm
quite certain you do not want is_visible_from_outside returning true
for all symbols, but I don't know enough to tell you what you should
be looking for.  I suspect you may be fighting a gcc bug.  Sorry, all
I seem good for is saying "No"..

Alan Modra
Australia Development Lab, IBM

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