Is it ok to "leak" modest amounts of objalloc memory?

Bernd Jendrissek
Thu Aug 18 12:15:00 GMT 2011

On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 12:48 PM,  <> wrote:
> It seems like a small thing, but it also feels like a bad precedent.  How would a future maintainer know that this is a "little leak" and ok, while the exact same code cut & pasted to a different situation is not ok because there the leak is much larger?  Better to fix the underlying machinery to provide the facility you need.

Thanks for the reply.  Do you know, off the top of your head, of any
other targets that resize things?  A quick grep found carsym_mem in
vms-lib.c, but having to keep track of whether an object is on the
heap or has been objalloc'ed seems hairy in its own way!

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