Free words in section

Dave Korn
Wed Oct 20 14:26:00 GMT 2010

On 20/10/2010 11:32, Paulo J. Matos wrote:
> Paul Koning <> writes:
>> What does "free" mean?  And why is it interesting?  It's hard to see what you're after.
> Sorry if I mis-explained myself.
> We are writing sections of a certain constant size, which might not be
> completely full, meaning parts of the sections don't have useful words
> but zero. What I am trying to calculate is the number of words which are
> zero and meaningless.
> This is useful for example to know, how much more space we still have in
> a data / constant / program section.

  Do you mean the amount of padding added by LD?  That can be read from the
map file output; look for the "*fill*" entries.


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