Can objdump show friendly symbolic function name?

Michael Hennebry
Thu Jul 15 02:39:00 GMT 2010

On Thu, 15 Jul 2010, Pan ruochen wrote:

> I am developing with mips-linux toolchain. I always need to do some
> analysis on the disassembly code.
> But objdump displays as following:

> 0001c370 <semget>:
>   1c370:   3c1c0005    lui gp,0x5
>   1c374:   279ce080    addiu   gp,gp,-8064
>   1c378:   0399e021    addu    gp,gp,t9

>   1c3a4:   00802821    move    a1,a0
>   1c3a8:   afa00010    sw  zero,16(sp)
>   1c3ac:   afa00014    sw  zero,20(sp)
>   1c3b0:   0320f809    jalr    t9

> It is really hard to read disassembly code like that since I can't see which
> function is called from `jalr t9'.
> Is there some way to inform objdump to display more friendly symbolic name
> as following?

I think that -S will do roughly what you want.

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