PATCH: PR ld/11933: Differnt linker behavior with incompatible input files

H.J. Lu
Sat Aug 21 19:08:00 GMT 2010

The linker behavior with incompatible input files is changed from

/export/home/hjl/bugs/binutils/merge-3/bz623687/ld: i386 architecture of input file `libtiff.a(tif_close.o)' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output


libtiff.a: could not read symbols: File in wrong format

The new message isn't as clear as the old one. This patch restores the
old message.  OK to install?



2010-08-21  H.J. Lu  <>

	PR ld/11933
	* elflink.c (elf_link_add_object_symbols): Don't check relocation
	if input ELF object ID doesn't match output.


2010-08-21  H.J. Lu  <>

	PR ld/11933
	* ld-x86-64/mixed1a.s: New.
	* ld-x86-64/mixed1b.s: Likewise.
	* ld-x86-64/mixed2a.s: Likewise.
	* ld-x86-64/mixed2b.s: Likewise.

	* ld-x86-64/x86-64.exp: Text mixed x86_64 and i386 inputs.

diff --git a/bfd/elflink.c b/bfd/elflink.c
index 074229f..2f67c47 100644
--- a/bfd/elflink.c
+++ b/bfd/elflink.c
@@ -4791,6 +4791,7 @@ error_free_dyn:
   if (! dynamic
       && is_elf_hash_table (htab)
       && bed->check_relocs != NULL
+      && elf_object_id (abfd) == elf_hash_table_id (htab)
       && (*bed->relocs_compatible) (abfd->xvec, info->output_bfd->xvec))
       asection *o;
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-x86-64/x86-64.exp b/ld/testsuite/ld-x86-64/x86-64.exp
index ed5d8dc..f5d1b0b 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-x86-64/x86-64.exp
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-x86-64/x86-64.exp
@@ -75,10 +75,41 @@ set x86_64tests {
     {"TLS IE->LE transition" "-melf_x86_64"
      "--64" {tlsie1.s}
      {{objdump -dwr tlsie1.dd}} "tlsie1"}
+    {"Helper 64bit object 1" "-r -melf_x86_64"
+     "--64" {mixed1a.s} {} "libmixe1a.o"}
+    {"Helper 32bit object 1" "-r -melf_i386"
+     "--32" {mixed1b.s} {} "libmixe1b.o"}
+    {"Helper 64bit object 2" "-r -melf_x86_64"
+     "--64" {mixed2a.s} {} "libmixe2a.o"}
+    {"Helper 32bit object 2" "-r -melf_i386"
+     "--32" {mixed2b.s} {} "libmixe2b.o"}
 run_ld_link_tests $x86_64tests
+global link_output
+global ld
+set test_namename "Mixed x86_64 and i386 input test 1"
+set test mixed1
+if { ![ld_simple_link $ld tmpdir/$test "-melf_x86_64 tmpdir/${test}a.o tmpdir/${test}b.o"] } {
+    if [string match "*i386 architecture of input file `tmpdir/${test}b.o' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output*" $link_output] {
+	pass "$test_name" 
+    } {
+	fail "$test_name" 
+    }
+set test_namename "Mixed x86_64 and i386 input test 2"
+set test mixed2
+if { ![ld_simple_link $ld tmpdir/$test "-melf_x86_64 tmpdir/${test}a.o tmpdir/${test}b.o"] } {
+    if [string match "*i386 architecture of input file `tmpdir/${test}b.o' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output*" $link_output] {
+	pass "$test_name" 
+    } {
+	fail "$test_name" 
+    }
 run_dump_test "abs"
 run_dump_test "abs-l1om"
 run_dump_test "pcrel8"
--- /dev/null	2010-08-11 15:57:03.635230126 -0700
+++ binutils/ld/testsuite/ld-x86-64/mixed1a.s	2010-08-21 11:14:27.613974974 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+	.text
+.globl _start
+	.type	_start, @function
+	cmpq	$0, foo(%rip)
+	.size	_start, .-_start
--- /dev/null	2010-08-11 15:57:03.635230126 -0700
+++ binutils/ld/testsuite/ld-x86-64/mixed1b.s	2010-08-21 11:15:00.139920256 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+.globl foo
+	.section	.rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1
+	.string	"Hello"
+	.data
+	.align 4
+	.type	foo, @object
+	.size	foo, 4
+	.long	.LC0
--- /dev/null	2010-08-11 15:57:03.635230126 -0700
+++ binutils/ld/testsuite/ld-x86-64/mixed2a.s	2010-08-21 11:22:40.024634224 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+	.text
+	.p2align 4,,15
+.globl _start
+	.type	_start, @function
+	movl	foo(%rip), %eax
+	.size	_start, .-_start
--- /dev/null	2010-08-11 15:57:03.635230126 -0700
+++ binutils/ld/testsuite/ld-x86-64/mixed2b.s	2010-08-21 11:22:55.783945139 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.globl foo
+	.data
+	.align 4
+	.type	foo, @object
+	.size	foo, 4
+	.long	1

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