Why doesn't objdump display assembly code mixed with source code?

PRC panruochen@gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 07:17:00 GMT 2008

I change the linker script to:

	.text 0x80051000 : 	
	.data :

	.sbss : 
 	.bss :
	.pdr :
	.mdebug.abi32 :
	.debug_info :
	.debug_line :
	.debug_frame :
	.debug_pubnames :
	.debug_aranges :

There is still not source code in the dumpped list file.
BTW, mips-elf-gdb can see debug information in the same "a.out".

>How could it?  Your link script discards the debug sections, which are
>necessary to get source line information.

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