Unwind table

Brian Dessent brian@dessent.net
Fri Jun 27 12:34:00 GMT 2008

Rodrigo Dominguez wrote:

> I am looking into the unwind table for C++ programs. I created a small test
> program with a try/catch region. I compiled the program with g++. I would
> like to see the unwind table. I tried using 'readelf -u a.out' but I get a
> message saying the there's no unwind information. What would be the best way
> to print the unwind table?

libdwarf comes with a sample app 'dwarfdump' that can be used to decode
this information:

$ echo 'int main() { std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl; }' \
      | g++ -include iostream -x c++ -

$ dwarfdump -F a.out


<  0><0x8048634:0x8048679><><fde offset 0x1c length: 0x18><eh aug data len 0x0>
    08048634:   cfa=04(r4/a0) r8/t0=-4(cfa) 
    08048635:   cfa=08(r4/a0) r5/a1=-8(cfa) r8/t0=-4(cfa) 
    08048637:   cfa=08(r5/a1) r5/a1=-8(cfa) r8/t0=-4(cfa) 
<  0><0x804867a:0x8048691><><fde offset 0x38 length: 0x18><eh aug data len 0x0>
    0804867a:   cfa=04(r4/a0) r8/t0=-4(cfa) 
    0804867b:   cfa=08(r4/a0) r5/a1=-8(cfa) r8/t0=-4(cfa) 
    0804867d:   cfa=08(r5/a1) r5/a1=-8(cfa) r8/t0=-4(cfa) 
<  0><0x8048692:0x80486a6><><fde offset 0x54 length: 0x18><eh aug data len 0x0>
    08048692:   cfa=04(r4/a0) r8/t0=-4(cfa) 
    08048693:   cfa=08(r4/a0) r5/a1=-8(cfa) r8/t0=-4(cfa) 
    08048695:   cfa=08(r5/a1) r5/a1=-8(cfa) r8/t0=-4(cfa) 
<  0><0x80486a6:0x80486e9><><fde offset 0x70 length: 0x24><eh aug data len 0x0>
    080486a6:   cfa=04(r4/a0) r8/t0=-4(cfa) 
    080486aa:   cfa=00(r1/at) r4/a0=r1/at r8/t0=-4(cfa) 
    080486b0:   cfa=04(r4/a0) r4/a0=r1/at r8/t0=-4(cfa) 
    080486b1:   cfa=08(r4/a0) r4/a0=r1/at r5/a1=-8(cfa) r8/t0=-4(cfa) 
    080486b3:   cfa=08(r5/a1) r4/a0=r1/at r5/a1=-8(cfa) r8/t0=-4(cfa) 
    080486b4:   cfa=08(r5/a1) r4/a0=-12(cfa) r5/a1=-8(cfa) r8/t0=-4(cfa) 

You can use -v or -vv to get more details.  Unfortunately it doesn't seem
to have a regnum mapping for x86 so you get generic register names instead
of eax/ebx/esp/etc but I'm sure you can figure it out.  Or maybe you don't
care about x86, you didn't specify.


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