overlapping ELF symbols and disassembly output

Mike Frysinger vapier@gentoo.org
Sun Oct 28 13:58:00 GMT 2007

it is valid in ELF to have overlapping ELF symbols right ?  so if i have a 
symbol "foo" which starts at say 0x10 and has a size of 0x100, i can have 
another symbol "moo" which starts at say 0x20 and has a size of 0x10 ?

what i'm trying to do is embed some data into a function and have objdump do 
the right thing ... so for example:
.type foo,%function
	R0 = 0;
	... some more assembly ...
.type moo,%object
	.asciz "a data string";
.size moo, . - moo
	... some more assembly ...
.size foo, . - foo

objdump on this shows proper disassembly from the start of "foo" up to the 
start of "moo", and then shows that the "moo" symbol is data, but after the 
end of "moo" to the end of "foo", the information is continued to be 
interpreted as data rather than disassembled as object code.  i imagine this 
is not normal, but can it be expected to work ? :)
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