ljmp syntax question

Smith, Stephen (SWCOE) Stephen.Smith@honeywell.com
Wed Mar 21 20:18:00 GMT 2007

I am writing a BIOS and my code is at $0xF000:$0000 (real mode x86) .

I set up my GDT and switch into protected mode and now do the following:

    /* PROT_MODE_CSEG = 0x8, protcseg=0xFFFF0028 */
    ljmp     $PROT_MODE_CSEG, $protcseg  
     movw     $PROT_MODE_DSEG, %ax

When I reach protcseg, CS=0x8, and eip=0x28 which is off by about
0xFFFF0000.   How should I have coded the long jump?

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