Regarding the p_align Elf_Phdr structure variable.

vamsi krishna
Tue May 30 10:28:00 GMT 2006

Dear All,

I have a question regarding the program header structure variable p_align.

o If the program header states the segment type as PT_LOAD and
phr.p_vaddr and phdr.p_paddr both set to a virtual address
'0x0000ac00' and I have a global variable(say a char) whose virtual
address is '0x0000ac0f'  (assume this is program header which is
having the .data section).

o Now if the value of the p_align is set to some 2^x will it change
the virtual address my variable after the loader does the mmaping? of
the segment??

When do we need to set the p_align flag? I'am trying to create a elf
file with out p_align ,  does it have any impact on loaders
performance, I dont find any details on how OS loader uses this
p_align while mmaping my program header.

Really thankful for you comments.


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