problem facing while upgrading from v2.13 to v2.16 of binutils

Nick Clifton
Thu Mar 16 08:48:00 GMT 2006

Hi Inder,

> -------------------------------- TEST SOURCE (test.s)
>         .section        .text.__GLOBAL__D__dummyconstructor,"ax",%progbits
>         .align  2
>        .ascii  "__GLOBAL__D__dummyconstructor\000"
>        .align  2
>        .word   -16777172
>         .type  __GLOBAL__D__dummyconstructor, %function
> __GLOBAL__D__dummyconstructor:
>         mov r0, r0
>         mov r0, r0
>         mov r0, r0
>         mov r0, r0

The problem, I suspect is that you are missing a ".global" directive in 
the above assembler source.  so if you add:

           .global __GLOBAL__D__dummyconstructor

jut after the ".type" line, I think that you might see the disassembly 
that you are expecting.


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