[Patch] picojava opcodes fix

Laurent D.A.M. Menten laurent.menten@teledisnet.be
Sat Nov 19 01:07:00 GMT 2005

Hi, here is my (small) contribution to binutils, i have checked the
opcodes of the pj architecture and found some problems mostly about
offset in jumps and _quick variations of common opcodes. As I am not
very confident with patch I simply send the 2.16 patched file. Hope it
will be usefull.

Best regards.
Laurent MENTEN

Version: 3.12
GCS/O d--(---) s: a C++ UL++++ P+ L+++ E--- W++ N+ o-- K--- w--
O- M- V- PS++ PE Y+ PGP- t 5 X++ R* tv++ b++ DI++ D
G+ e++ h-- r+++ y+++

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