what sections get objcopied into the SREC file?

Torsten Mohr tmohr@s.netic.de
Sat Jul 23 20:48:00 GMT 2005


i once got the hint that a section needs to be of type
PROGBITS and the allocate bit needs to be set, then a
section gets copied from the ELF file into an SREC file.

avr-gcc/-ld produces ELF output where the .data section
meets these conditions.  But when i avr-objcopy it to SREC,
the .data section is not contained in it.

This looks fine to me, i just wonder now what the condition
is that a section gets copied.  I wrote a bootloader that
reads the ELF file and that now also tries to download the
section .data which makes no sense.  I'd like to fix the
condition for my bootloader.

Best regards,

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