binutils for mac os x

Mon Feb 28 14:48:00 GMT 2005

On Feb 28, 2005, at 11:26 AM, Dave Korn wrote:

>   Ah, so you *do* have installed binutils!

Not explicitly. I installed the developer tools from apple. It seems 
that there is an assembler inside ;-)

> I thought you said you didn't!

I hope not.

>   Binutils works for many targets, but only Apple's own specialised 
> version
> works properly for mac os x.  So the assembler you have on your system 
> is
> binutils (of a sort), but you won't be able to recompile it or update 
> it
> from the GNU binutils until Apple have contributed the changes they 
> made to
> their version of it into the public source codes, because until they 
> do the
> public versions won't support mac os x.  Any clearer?

I think so. Thanks a lot.


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