Broken SH2a patches

Mon Nov 8 16:27:00 GMT 2004

 > I don't like the name 'fake', but I'm not sure what else to suggest. 

>sh2+, sh2e+, sh2++ and sh2e++ (or sh2+shift, sh2e+shift+fsqrt,
>sh2+shift+pref and sh2e+double). Of course '+' won't work in C ... hmmm.
>Unfortunately a lot of libraries etc. will end up labelled with these 'fake'
>architectures so it is important that the name means something.

When there are only one ot two simple features added, it seems most 
future-proof to
just enumerate them.  I.e. the 'fake1' adds dynamic shift to SH2, 
'fake2' adds dynamic shift and
fsqrt.s to SH2E, 'fake3' adds  dynamic shift and prefetch to  SH2.

'fake4', however, adds dynamic shift, fsqrt.s, prefetch, and a plethora 
of double precision arithmetic
instructions and ancillary instructions to that.  So I think we better 
name that one from the
intersection that generates it, i.e. SH4_SH2A .
You can probably draw this more nicely...

   /              |                      \
  SH2         SH2_dshift                 SH2E
 (dsp)        /  \    \                   |
  |          /    \    \_____________     |
  |         /      \                  \   |
  |        /        \                  \  |
  |       /         SH3                 \ |
  |      /         (nommu)           SH2E_dshift_sqrt
  | SH2_dshift_pref  |\                  /|
  |     |    \       | \                / |
  |     |     \      |  \              /  |
  |     |      \     |   SH3          /   |
  |     |       \    |   /|\         /    |
  |     |        \   |  / | \       /     |
  |     |         \ .!./  |  \     /      |
  |     |        . \ |    |   \   /       |
  |    SH2A     .  SH4    |    \ /     SH4_SH2A
  |   (nofpu)  .  (nommu) |   SH3E     /  |  
  |     |     .   (nofpu) |    /\     /   |  
  |  ...+.....      |  .--'   |  \   /    |  
  | /   |           | /       |   \ /     |  
  SH3   |          SH4        |    X      |  
 (dsp)  |         (nofpu)     |   / \     |  
  |     |           /\        |  /   \    |  
  |     |          /  '---.   | /     \  /
  |     |         /        \  |/       \/
 -+---- .      SH4A         SH4       SH2A <------....
  |           (nofpu)        |
  |            /  \        .-'
  |  .--------'    '---.  /
  | /                   \/
 SH4AL                 SH4A

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