About ELF and COFF

Ian Lance Taylor ian@wasabisystems.com
Wed May 5 01:49:00 GMT 2004

libra <mr924352@cs.nthu.edu.tw> writes:

> The COFF is used by System V Release 3(SVR3) UNIX.
> The ELF is used by System V Release 4(SVR4) UNIX.
> What is different between these two object file format?

The differences are extensive.  In fact, they are no more similar than
any other two object file formats.

> In other words, which one is better?

ELF is better.

> I think there are some reasons why the SVR4 use ELF,not use COFF as it's 
> object file format.

Yes, there are.  ELF was written after experience with COFF, and
corrects the problems which exist with COFF.


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