Prob with WINDRES....The Resource Compiler...

Zack Weinberg
Mon Aug 30 19:23:00 GMT 2004

"Turbanov Vladislav Dmitrievich" <> writes:

> 1ST ---I didn't atack anyone-it's a joke...know what is that? Yes, right it
> makes u smile or smth...Was adressed not to U anyway ....

It may have been intended as a joke, but you are the only one who
found it amusing.

> 2ND --- I can't talk like U saying cusbasambaratam .... and I won't ....

If you are referring to my habit of writing complete sentences and not
abbreviating common words like "you", I can only say that I consider
it a good habit, and I strongly advise that you do the same.  If that
is not what you are referring to, then I have no idea what you mean.

Also, since you seem to have missed the point of this bit:

>> A. Because it's confusing and hard to read.
>> Q. Why shouldn't I put my response above the message?

I shall spell it out: put what you write BELOW what you are quoting.
And delete text which is irrelevant to what you are saying (but do not
delete text which is relevant).  If you refuse to do this, further
messages are likely to be ignored.

> 3RD -- to the point(finally) ... what source code?!?
>     What are u talking about?
>     I said - Bad compilation of [B,H,I]EDIT's in DIALOGEX dialog
> template...yes ... rc file...what more can I say? want me to write smth?

Yes, I want you to write *complete* test cases.  No abbreviations, no
leaving anything out.  Complete windres input, complete associated
program source, so that we can compile the program and resources and
observe exactly what you see.


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