ld --wrap and c++

Ian Lance Taylor ian@wasabisystems.com
Thu Aug 26 15:07:00 GMT 2004

Jeff Baker <jbaker@qnx.com> writes:

> We have a customer complaining that the --wrap option to ld (again,
> 2.12.1) doesn't work with C++.  Would I be correct in assuming that
> this is because of the C++ name mangling?  If so, is there anything
> (other than extern "C") that they can do to make it work?

--wrap should work fine with C++.  However, you do have to mangle the
names yourself, and use --wrap with the mangled name.

There is no real alternative.  It is not practical for the linker to
incorporate a C++ mangler, particularly as different compilers, even
different versions of g++, use different mangling schemes.


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