Objdump bug for plain H8/300 target

Anil Paranjape AnilP1@KPITCummins.com
Tue Apr 6 06:08:00 GMT 2004


I found a bug in objdump utility for plain H8/300 target.
I have used binutils snapshot dated 25 March 2004.

Following is test case,
int main
	int a;
	a -= 2;

Build commands used are,
h8300-elf-gcc -nostartfiles test.c
h8300-elf-objdump -d --no-show-raw-insn a.out > a.dmp

Object dump file 
a.out:     file format elf32-h8300
Disassembly of section .text:

00000100 <_main>:
 100:   6d f6             mov.w r6,@-r7
 102:   0d 76             mov.w r7,r6
 104:   1b 87             subs  #2,er7
 106:   6f 62 ff fe       mov.w @(0xfffe:16,r6),r2
 10a:   1b 82             subs  #2,er2
 10c:   6f e2 ff fe       mov.w r2,@(0xfffe:16,r6)
 110:   0d 20             mov.w r2,r0
 112:   0b 87             adds  #2,er7
 114:   6d 76             mov.w @r7+,r6
 116:   54 70             rts

Register "er7" and "er2" are invalid registers in case of plain H8/300. 
This bug is observed only when instructions "adds" or "subs" are used.
It should be "r7" instead of "er7" and "r2" instead of "er2".

Anil Paranjpe

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