mipsisa32-unknown-elf-as: Error: too large constant specified

Nigel Stephens nigel@mips.com
Wed Oct 15 00:58:00 GMT 2003

Ian Lance Taylor wrote:

>Hey, I'm easy.  Any opinions on this patch?  I haven't tried the
>testsuite yet.  In any case, clearly some new tests are called for

I'm happy with it. But note that this doesn't return the behaviour to 
what cgd was seeing on the old assembler when compiling for a 64-bit 
ISA. It will now compile

        or      $2, $2, 0xe0000000
        and     $2, $2, ~0xe0000000

to the same sequence for both a 32 and 64-bit arch:

   0:   3c01e000        lui     at,0xe000
   4:   00411025        or      v0,v0,at
   8:   3c011fff        lui     at,0x1fff
   c:   3421ffff        ori     at,at,0xffff
  10:   00411024        and     v0,v0,at

But I'd claim that's correct: it's not sensible for the assembler to interpret immediate operands differently depending on the architecture. It should only interpret immediates as truly 64-bit if they are used with explicit 64-bit instructions (e.g. daddu, dli, etc), which is what this patch will do.

Ian wrote:

>With the patch I sent out, code like this will assemble without a
>warning on a 32-bit target:
>	and	$2, $2, 0xffffffffe0000000
>which is somewhat dubious.

Oh I don't know - that's a valid 32-bit immediate with 64-bit sign extension. The more ugly thing is that it would allow:

	and	$2,$2,0xffffffff1f000000 

But I'm prepared to look the other way if you are. :-)


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