i386-netware-ld target for Netware NLM files with C++ support

Ian Lance Taylor ian@airs.com
Wed May 7 17:10:00 GMT 2003

Bernd Herd <info@herdsoft.com> writes:

> The linker script has been replaced by a "clean" nlmld.c program that
> can be connected with gcc by the
> "--with-ld=/opt/cross/i586-netware/nlmld" configure option when
> configuring gcc. It would be good if I'd know a way to make the new
> "nlmld" the default linker for gcc on the netware target to avoid
> specifiying an absolute path.

One option would be to install nlmld as $(tooldir)/bin/ld.  Then gcc
will invoke it by default.  You'll want to install the real linker
under some other name, and have nlmld invoke that linker.


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