gprof:on solaris 2.8 64 bit using shared objects

kishore padavala
Wed Aug 6 12:44:00 GMT 2003

  i am having problem with profiling information about functions called 
in the shared objects using gprof got from binutils-2.13.1 on sun 
solaris 2.8...gprof(gnu gprof) is showing the profiling information abt 
the functions only in the binary and no information abt the functions in 
the shared object.I am compiling the shared objects using the
        g++ -m64 -pg -g -G <files> -o library
 and the binary using the following options
        g++ -m64 -pg -g <files> -L<path> -llibrary..
  i am using gcc 3.2.2 for compiling ..i tried to go through the code of 
the gprof and found that the shared object functions are classified 
under class U and these are being ignored by gprof.. i am also including 
the debug info i got when i tried gprof -d16383 .*.*My question is how 
do i get the profiling information for shared object functions..

[main] debug-level=0x3fff
[core_sym_class] _START_ is of class r
[core_sym_class] _END_ is of class b
[core_sym_class] profiling is of class d
[core_sym_class] s_textsize is of class d
[core_sym_class] tos is of class d
[core_sym_class] tolimit is of class d
[core_sym_class] s_scale is of class b
[core_sym_class] ssiz is of class b
[core_sym_class] s_lowpc is of class d
[core_sym_class] sbuf is of class b
[core_sym_class] froms is of class b
[core_sym_class] already_setup.0 is of class b
[core_sym_class] s_highpc is of class d
[core_sym_class] force_to_data is of class d
[core_sym_class] __CTOR_LIST__ is of class d
[core_sym_class] __DTOR_LIST__ is of class d
[core_sym_class] __EH_FRAME_BEGIN__ is of class d
[core_sym_class] object.2 is of class b
[core_sym_class] completed.1 is of class b
[core_sym_class] p.0 is of class d
[core_sym_class] __JCR_LIST__ is of class d
[core_sym_class] CRS_CHAR is of class r
[core_sym_class] CRS_MAX_RECORD is of class r
[core_sym_class] CRS_FLOAT is of class r
[core_sym_class] CDB_SUCCESS is of class r
[core_sym_class] _ZSt8__ioinit is of class b
[core_sym_class] CDB_QUERY_LEN is of class r
[core_sym_class] CRS_SUCCESS is of class r
[core_sym_class] CDB_FAILURE is of class r
[core_sym_class] CRS_FAILURE is of class r
[core_sym_class] CDB_MAX_DB_TO_CONNECT is of class r
[core_sym_class] __DTOR_END__ is of class d
[core_sym_class] __CTOR_END__ is of class d
[core_sym_class] force_to_data is of class d
[core_sym_class] __JCR_END__ is of class d
[core_sym_class] __FRAME_END__ is of class d
[core_sym_class] _ZNSolsEPFRSoS_E is of class U
[core_sym_class] minbrk is of class B
[core_sym_class] _Jv_RegisterClasses is of class w
[core_sym_class] __register_frame_info is of class w
[core_sym_class] _ZN9CDataBaseC1EP8CInfoLog is of class U
[core_sym_class] _exit is of class U
[core_sym_class] ___Argv is of class B
[core_sym_class] _ZN8CInfoLogC1EPcS0_ is of class U
[core_sym_class] __deregister_frame_info is of class w
[core_sym_class] _ZN9CDataBase7closeDBEv is of class U
[core_sym_class] pthread_once is of class w
[core_sym_class] strrchr is of class U
[core_sym_class] getpid is of class U
[core_sym_class] _ZN9CDataBaseD1Ev is of class U
[core_sym_class] _edata is of class D
[core_sym_class] _ZN9CDataBase7connectEPKcS1_S1_ is of class U
[core_sym_class] the_CInfoLog is of class B
[core_sym_class] pthread_mutex_trylock is of class w
[core_sym_class] _ZdlPv is of class U
[core_sym_class] _ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev is of class U
[core_sym_class] pthread_mutex_lock is of class w
[core_sym_class] _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ is of class D
[core_sym_class] _ZN9CDataBase8viewDataEPc is of class U
[core_sym_class] pthread_key_create is of class w
[core_sym_class] close is of class U
[core_sym_class] _ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev is of class U
[core_sym_class] pthread_setspecific is of class w
[core_sym_class] _end is of class B
[core_sym_class] sprintf is of class U
[core_sym_class] write is of class U
[core_sym_class] _ZSt4endlIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_ is of class U
[core_sym_class] _DYNAMIC is of class D
[core_sym_class] getenv is of class U
[core_sym_class] the_CRecordSet is of class B
[core_sym_class] _Znwm is of class U
[core_sym_class] pthread_key_delete is of class w
[core_sym_class] _ZNSolsEi is of class U
[core_sym_class] the_GlobalDB is of class B
[core_sym_class] perror is of class U
[core_sym_class] pthread_getspecific is of class w
[core_sym_class] environ is of class V
[core_sym_class] sbrk is of class U
[core_sym_class] pthread_mutex_unlock is of class w
[core_sym_class] _Unwind_Resume is of class U
[core_sym_class] profil is of class U
[core_sym_class] _etext is of class R
[core_sym_class] atexit is of class U
[core_sym_class] _ZSt4cout is of class B
[core_sym_class] exit is of class U
[core_sym_class] creat is of class U
[core_sym_class] pthread_create is of class w
[core_sym_class] _lib_version is of class R
[core_sym_class] _environ is of class B
[core_sym_class] __dso_handle is of class D
[core_sym_class] __gxx_personality_v0 is of class U
[core_sym_class] etext is of class B
[core_sym_class] _ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 test1
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 
[core_sym_class] _START_ is of class r
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0xfffffea8 _START_
[core_sym_class] _END_ is of class b
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x1b0 _END_
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 gmon-sol2.c
[core_sym_class] profiling is of class d
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 profiling
[core_sym_class] s_textsize is of class d
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x28 s_textsize
[core_sym_class] tos is of class d
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x8 tos
[core_sym_class] tolimit is of class d
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x10 tolimit
[core_sym_class] s_scale is of class b
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x20 s_scale
[core_sym_class] ssiz is of class b
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x10 ssiz
[core_sym_class] s_lowpc is of class d
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x18 s_lowpc
[core_sym_class] sbuf is of class b
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x18 sbuf
[core_sym_class] froms is of class b
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x8 froms
[get_src_info] no info for 0x1c08 (<unknown>:0,internal_mcount)
[core_create_function_syms] 0 internal_mcount 0x1c08
[core_sym_class] already_setup.0 is of class b
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 already_setup.0
[core_sym_class] s_highpc is of class d
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x20 s_highpc
[get_src_info] no info for 0x2240 (<unknown>:0,moncontrol)
[core_create_function_syms] 1 moncontrol 0x2240
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 crti.s
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 values-Xa.c
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 crtstuff.c
[get_src_info] no info for 0x235c (<unknown>:0,__do_global_dtors_aux)
[core_create_function_syms] 2 __do_global_dtors_aux 0x235c
[get_src_info] no info for 0x2410 (<unknown>:0,frame_dummy)
[core_create_function_syms] 3 frame_dummy 0x2410
[get_src_info] no info for 0x2400 (<unknown>:0,call___do_global_dtors_aux)
[core_create_function_syms] 4 call___do_global_dtors_aux 0x2400
[core_sym_class] force_to_data is of class d
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x30 force_to_data
[core_sym_class] __CTOR_LIST__ is of class d
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 __CTOR_LIST__
[core_sym_class] __DTOR_LIST__ is of class d
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 __DTOR_LIST__
[core_sym_class] __EH_FRAME_BEGIN__ is of class d
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 __EH_FRAME_BEGIN__
[get_src_info] no info for 0x2488 (<unknown>:0,call_frame_dummy)
[core_create_function_syms] 5 call_frame_dummy 0x2488
[core_sym_class] object.2 is of class b
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x30 object.2
[core_sym_class] completed.1 is of class b
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x28 completed.1
[core_sym_class] p.0 is of class d
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 p.0
[core_sym_class] __JCR_LIST__ is of class d
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 __JCR_LIST__
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0
[core_sym_class] CRS_CHAR is of class r
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x100 CRS_CHAR
[core_sym_class] CRS_MAX_RECORD is of class r
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x108 CRS_MAX_RECORD
[core_sym_class] CRS_FLOAT is of class r
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x104 CRS_FLOAT
[core_sym_class] CDB_SUCCESS is of class r
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x120 CDB_SUCCESS
[core_sym_class] _ZSt8__ioinit is of class b
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x60 _ZSt8__ioinit
[core_sym_class] CDB_QUERY_LEN is of class r
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x114 CDB_QUERY_LEN
[get_src_info] 0x2a70 -> /usr/local/include/c++/3.2.2/streambuf:131 (_GLOBAL__D_the_CInfoLog)
[core_create_function_syms] 6 _GLOBAL__D_the_CInfoLog 0x2a70
[get_src_info] 0x271c -> /usr/local/include/c++/3.2.2/streambuf:131 (__static_initialization_and_destruction_0)
[core_create_function_syms] 7 _Z41__static_initialization_and_destruction_0ii 0x271c
[core_sym_class] CRS_SUCCESS is of class r
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x10c CRS_SUCCESS
[get_src_info] 0x2a2c -> /usr/local/include/c++/3.2.2/streambuf:131 (_GLOBAL__I_the_CInfoLog)
[core_create_function_syms] 8 _GLOBAL__I_the_CInfoLog 0x2a2c
[core_sym_class] CDB_FAILURE is of class r
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x11c CDB_FAILURE
[core_sym_class] CRS_FAILURE is of class r
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x110 CRS_FAILURE
[core_sym_class] CDB_MAX_DB_TO_CONNECT is of class r
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x118 CDB_MAX_DB_TO_CONNECT
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 crtstuff.c
[core_sym_class] __DTOR_END__ is of class d
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x10 __DTOR_END__
[get_src_info] no info for 0x2abc (<unknown>:0,__do_global_ctors_aux)
[core_create_function_syms] 9 __do_global_ctors_aux 0x2abc
[get_src_info] no info for 0x2b0c (<unknown>:0,call___do_global_ctors_aux)
[core_create_function_syms] 10 call___do_global_ctors_aux 0x2b0c
[core_sym_class] __CTOR_END__ is of class d
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x10 __CTOR_END__
[core_sym_class] force_to_data is of class d
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x60 force_to_data
[core_sym_class] __JCR_END__ is of class d
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 __JCR_END__
[core_sym_class] __FRAME_END__ is of class d
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0xe8 __FRAME_END__
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 crtn.s
[core_sym_class] _ZNSolsEPFRSoS_E is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102fc0 _ZNSolsEPFRSoS_E
[core_sym_class] minbrk is of class B
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x1a8 minbrk
[core_sym_class] _Jv_RegisterClasses is of class w
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 _Jv_RegisterClasses
[core_sym_class] __register_frame_info is of class w
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102f20 __register_frame_info
[get_src_info] no info for 0x1bfc (<unknown>:0,mcount)
[core_create_function_syms] 11 mcount 0x1bfc
[core_sym_class] _ZN9CDataBaseC1EP8CInfoLog is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x103100 _ZN9CDataBaseC1EP8CInfoLog
[core_sym_class] _exit is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102da0 _exit
[core_sym_class] ___Argv is of class B
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x1a0 ___Argv
[core_sym_class] _ZN8CInfoLogC1EPcS0_ is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x1030c0 _ZN8CInfoLogC1EPcS0_
[core_sym_class] __deregister_frame_info is of class w
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102f00 __deregister_frame_info
[core_sym_class] _ZN9CDataBase7closeDBEv is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x103020 _ZN9CDataBase7closeDBEv
[core_sym_class] pthread_once is of class w
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 pthread_once
[core_sym_class] strrchr is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102e20 strrchr
[core_sym_class] getpid is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102e40 getpid
[core_sym_class] _ZN9CDataBaseD1Ev is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x103040 _ZN9CDataBaseD1Ev
[core_sym_class] _edata is of class D
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x45 _edata
[core_sym_class] _ZN9CDataBase7connectEPKcS1_S1_ is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102fe0 _ZN9CDataBase7connectEPKcS1_S1_
[core_sym_class] the_CInfoLog is of class B
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x68 the_CInfoLog
[get_src_info] no info for 0x1230 (<unknown>:0,_start)
[core_create_function_syms] 12 _start 0x1230
[core_sym_class] pthread_mutex_trylock is of class w
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 pthread_mutex_trylock
[core_sym_class] _ZdlPv is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x103060 _ZdlPv
[core_sym_class] _ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x103120 _ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev
[core_sym_class] pthread_mutex_lock is of class w
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 pthread_mutex_lock
[get_src_info] no info for 0x1bf0 (<unknown>:0,_mcount)
[core_create_function_syms] 13 _mcount 0x1bf0
[core_sym_class] _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ is of class D
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
[core_sym_class] _ZN9CDataBase8viewDataEPc is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x103000 _ZN9CDataBase8viewDataEPc
[core_sym_class] pthread_key_create is of class w
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 pthread_key_create
[core_sym_class] close is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102ec0 close
[get_src_info] no info for 0x2b1c (<unknown>:0,call___do_global_ctors_aux)
[core_create_function_syms] 14 _init 0x2b1c
[core_sym_class] _ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x103080 _ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev
[core_sym_class] pthread_setspecific is of class w
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 pthread_setspecific
[core_sym_class] _end is of class B
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x1b0 _end
[core_sym_class] sprintf is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102e60 sprintf
[core_sym_class] write is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102de0 write
[core_sym_class] _ZSt4endlIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_ is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102fa0 _ZSt4endlIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_
[core_sym_class] _DYNAMIC is of class D
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 _DYNAMIC
[get_src_info] no info for 0x102ce0 (<unknown>:0,call___do_global_ctors_aux)
[core_create_function_syms] 15 _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_ 0x102ce0
[core_sym_class] getenv is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102e00 getenv
[core_sym_class] the_CRecordSet is of class B
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x70 the_CRecordSet
[core_sym_class] _Znwm is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x1030a0 _Znwm
[core_sym_class] pthread_key_delete is of class w
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 pthread_key_delete
[core_sym_class] _ZNSolsEi is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102f60 _ZNSolsEi
[core_sym_class] the_GlobalDB is of class B
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x78 the_GlobalDB
[core_sym_class] perror is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102ea0 perror
[core_sym_class] pthread_getspecific is of class w
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 pthread_getspecific
[core_sym_class] environ is of class V
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x80 environ
[core_sym_class] sbrk is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102dc0 sbrk
[core_sym_class] pthread_mutex_unlock is of class w
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 pthread_mutex_unlock
[core_sym_class] _Unwind_Resume is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x1030e0 _Unwind_Resume
[get_src_info] no info for 0x12c4 (<unknown>:0,monstartup)
[core_create_function_syms] 16 monstartup 0x12c4
[core_sym_class] profil is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102ee0 profil
[core_sym_class] _etext is of class R
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x124 _etext
[get_src_info] no info for 0x17f8 (<unknown>:0,_mcleanup)
[core_create_function_syms] 17 _mcleanup 0x17f8
[core_sym_class] atexit is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102d60 atexit
[core_sym_class] _ZSt4cout is of class B
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x90 _ZSt4cout
[core_sym_class] exit is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102d80 exit
[core_sym_class] creat is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102e80 creat
[core_sym_class] pthread_create is of class w
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x0 pthread_create
[core_sym_class] _lib_version is of class R
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x68 _lib_version
[get_src_info] no info for 0x2b38 (<unknown>:0,call___do_global_ctors_aux)
[core_create_function_syms] 18 _fini 0x2b38
[core_sym_class] _environ is of class B
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x80 _environ
[core_sym_class] __dso_handle is of class D
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x38 __dso_handle
[core_sym_class] __gxx_personality_v0 is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x103140 __gxx_personality_v0
[core_sym_class] etext is of class B
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x1b0 etext
[get_src_info] 0x2498 -> /files/code/kish/ (main)
[core_create_function_syms] 19 main 0x2498
[core_sym_class] _ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc is of class U
[core_create_function_syms] rejecting: 0x102f80 _ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc
[symtab_finalize]: removed 0 duplicate entries
[symtab_finalize] 0x0-0x122f	<locore>
[symtab_finalize] 0x1230-0x12c3	_start
[symtab_finalize] 0x12c4-0x17f7	monstartup
[symtab_finalize] 0x17f8-0x1bef	_mcleanup
[symtab_finalize] 0x1bf0-0x1bfb	_mcount
[symtab_finalize] 0x1bfc-0x1c07	mcount
[symtab_finalize] 0x1c08-0x223f	internal_mcount
[symtab_finalize] 0x2240-0x235b	moncontrol
[symtab_finalize] 0x235c-0x23ff	__do_global_dtors_aux
[symtab_finalize] 0x2400-0x240f	call___do_global_dtors_aux
[symtab_finalize] 0x2410-0x2487	frame_dummy
[symtab_finalize] 0x2488-0x2497	call_frame_dummy
[symtab_finalize] 0x2498-0x271b	main
[symtab_finalize] 0x271c-0x2a2b	_Z41__static_initialization_and_destruction_0ii
[symtab_finalize] 0x2a2c-0x2a6f	_GLOBAL__I_the_CInfoLog
[symtab_finalize] 0x2a70-0x2abb	_GLOBAL__D_the_CInfoLog
[symtab_finalize] 0x2abc-0x2b0b	__do_global_ctors_aux
[symtab_finalize] 0x2b0c-0x2b1b	call___do_global_ctors_aux
[symtab_finalize] 0x2b1c-0x2b37	_init
[symtab_finalize] 0x2b38-0x102cdf	_fini
[symtab_finalize] 0x102ce0-0x102ce0	_PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_
[symtab_finalize] 0x102ce1-0xffffffff	<hicore>
[parse_id] <hicore> -> *:<hicore>
[parse_id] <hicore> -> *:<hicore>
[parse_id] <hicore> -> *:<hicore>
[parse_id] <locore> -> *:<locore>
[parse_id] <locore> -> *:<locore>
[parse_id] <locore> -> *:<locore>
[parse_id] __mcleanup -> *:__mcleanup
[parse_id] __mcleanup -> *:__mcleanup
[parse_id] __mcleanup -> *:__mcleanup
[parse_id] __mcount_internal -> *:__mcount_internal
[parse_id] __mcount_internal -> *:__mcount_internal
[parse_id] __mcount_internal -> *:__mcount_internal
[parse_id] __mcount -> *:__mcount
[parse_id] __mcount -> *:__mcount
[parse_id] __mcount -> *:__mcount
[parse_id] _mcount -> *:_mcount
[parse_id] _mcount -> *:_mcount
[parse_id] _mcount -> *:_mcount
[parse_id] mcount -> *:mcount
[parse_id] mcount -> *:mcount
[parse_id] mcount -> *:mcount
[parse_id] _gprof_mcount -> *:_gprof_mcount
[parse_id] _gprof_mcount -> *:_gprof_mcount
[parse_id] _gprof_mcount -> *:_gprof_mcount
[sym_id_parse] syms[INCL_GRAPH]:
[sym_id_parse] syms[EXCL_GRAPH]:
[symtab_finalize]: removed 0 duplicate entries
[symtab_finalize] 0x0-0x122f	<locore>
[symtab_finalize] 0x1bf0-0x1bfb	_mcount
[symtab_finalize] 0x1bfc-0x1c07	mcount
[symtab_finalize] 0x102ce1-0xffffffff	<hicore>
[sym_id_parse] syms[INCL_ARCS]:
[sym_id_parse] syms[EXCL_ARCS]:
[sym_id_parse] syms[INCL_FLAT]:
[sym_id_parse] syms[EXCL_FLAT]:
[symtab_finalize]: removed 0 duplicate entries
[symtab_finalize] 0x0-0x122f	<locore>
[symtab_finalize] 0x1bf0-0x1bfb	_mcount
[symtab_finalize] 0x1bfc-0x1c07	mcount
[symtab_finalize] 0x102ce1-0xffffffff	<hicore>
[sym_id_parse] syms[INCL_TIME]:
[sym_id_parse] syms[EXCL_TIME]:
[symtab_finalize]: removed 0 duplicate entries
[symtab_finalize] 0x0-0x122f	<locore>
[symtab_finalize] 0x1bf0-0x1bfb	_mcount
[symtab_finalize] 0x1bfc-0x1c07	mcount
[symtab_finalize] 0x102ce1-0xffffffff	<hicore>
[sym_id_parse] syms[INCL_ANNO]:
[sym_id_parse] syms[EXCL_ANNO]:
[sym_id_parse] syms[INCL_EXEC]:
[sym_id_parse] syms[EXCL_EXEC]:
[gmon_out_read] lowpc 0xbe8 highpc 0x1026b0 ncnt 527740
[gmon_out_read]   s_lowpc 0xbe8   s_highpc 0x1026b0
[gmon_out_read]     lowpc 0x800005f4     highpc 0x80081358
[gmon_out_read] samp_bytes 527720 hist_num_bins 263860
[gmon_out_read] frompc 0xc64 selfpc 0x1e6c count 1
[sym_lookup] 5 probes (symtab->len=21)
[sym_lookup] 5 probes (symtab->len=21)
[cg_tally] arc from <locore> to internal_mcount traversed 1 times
[arc_add] 1 arcs from <locore> to internal_mcount
[arc_lookup] parent <locore> child internal_mcount
[gmon_out_read] frompc 0x1e78 selfpc 0x7f20411c count 1
[sym_lookup] 5 probes (symtab->len=21)
[sym_lookup] 4 (21) probes, fall off
[cg_tally] arc from internal_mcount to _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_ traversed 1 times
[arc_add] 1 arcs from internal_mcount to _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_
[arc_lookup] parent internal_mcount child _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_
[gmon_out_read] frompc 0x1e84 selfpc 0x7f2041b8 count 1
[sym_lookup] 5 probes (symtab->len=21)
[sym_lookup] 4 (21) probes, fall off
[cg_tally] arc from internal_mcount to _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_ traversed 1 times
[arc_add] 1 arcs from internal_mcount to _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_
[arc_lookup] parent internal_mcount child _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_
[arc_lookup]	 parent internal_mcount child _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_
[tally] hit 1 += 1
[gmon_out_read] frompc 0x1ebc selfpc 0x7f204184 count 1
[sym_lookup] 5 probes (symtab->len=21)
[sym_lookup] 4 (21) probes, fall off
[cg_tally] arc from internal_mcount to _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_ traversed 1 times
[arc_add] 1 arcs from internal_mcount to _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_
[arc_lookup] parent internal_mcount child _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_
[arc_lookup]	 parent internal_mcount child _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_
[tally] hit 2 += 1
[assign_samples] total_time 0.000000
[arc_lookup] parent <locore> child <locore>
[arc_lookup]	 parent <locore> child internal_mcount
[arc_lookup] parent _start child _start
[arc_lookup] parent monstartup child monstartup
[arc_lookup] parent _mcleanup child _mcleanup
[arc_lookup] parent _mcount child _mcount
[arc_lookup] parent mcount child mcount
[arc_lookup] parent internal_mcount child internal_mcount
[arc_lookup]	 parent internal_mcount child _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_
[arc_lookup] parent moncontrol child moncontrol
[arc_lookup] parent __do_global_dtors_aux child __do_global_dtors_aux
[arc_lookup] parent call___do_global_dtors_aux child call___do_global_dtors_aux
[arc_lookup] parent frame_dummy child frame_dummy
[arc_lookup] parent call_frame_dummy child call_frame_dummy
[arc_lookup] parent main child main
[arc_lookup] parent _Z41__static_initialization_and_destruction_0ii child _Z41__static_initialization_and_destruction_0ii
[arc_lookup] parent _GLOBAL__I_the_CInfoLog child _GLOBAL__I_the_CInfoLog
[arc_lookup] parent _GLOBAL__D_the_CInfoLog child _GLOBAL__D_the_CInfoLog
[arc_lookup] parent __do_global_ctors_aux child __do_global_ctors_aux
[arc_lookup] parent call___do_global_ctors_aux child call___do_global_ctors_aux
[arc_lookup] parent _init child _init
[arc_lookup] parent _fini child _fini
[arc_lookup] parent <hicore> child <hicore>
[dfn] dfn( <locore>{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:<locore>{-1}    0% 
[dfn] dfn( internal_mcount{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		2:internal_mcount{-1}    0% 
[dfn] dfn( _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		3:_PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	3: _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_{1}    0% -> cg.top_order = 1
[post_visit]	2: internal_mcount{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member internal_mcount{2}    0% -> cg.top_order = 2
[post_visit]	1: <locore>{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member <locore>{3}    0% -> cg.top_order = 3
[dfn] dfn( _start{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:_start{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	1: _start{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member _start{4}    0% -> cg.top_order = 4
[dfn] dfn( monstartup{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:monstartup{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	1: monstartup{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member monstartup{5}    0% -> cg.top_order = 5
[dfn] dfn( _mcleanup{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:_mcleanup{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	1: _mcleanup{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member _mcleanup{6}    0% -> cg.top_order = 6
[dfn] dfn( _mcount{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:_mcount{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	1: _mcount{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member _mcount{7}    0% -> cg.top_order = 7
[dfn] dfn( mcount{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:mcount{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	1: mcount{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member mcount{8}    0% -> cg.top_order = 8
[dfn] dfn( moncontrol{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:moncontrol{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	1: moncontrol{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member moncontrol{9}    0% -> cg.top_order = 9
[dfn] dfn( __do_global_dtors_aux{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:__do_global_dtors_aux{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	1: __do_global_dtors_aux{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member __do_global_dtors_aux{10}    0% -> cg.top_order = 10
[dfn] dfn( call___do_global_dtors_aux{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:call___do_global_dtors_aux{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	1: call___do_global_dtors_aux{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member call___do_global_dtors_aux{11}    0% -> cg.top_order = 11
[dfn] dfn( frame_dummy{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:frame_dummy{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	1: frame_dummy{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member frame_dummy{12}    0% -> cg.top_order = 12
[dfn] dfn( call_frame_dummy{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:call_frame_dummy{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	1: call_frame_dummy{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member call_frame_dummy{13}    0% -> cg.top_order = 13
[dfn] dfn( main{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:main{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	1: main{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member main{14}    0% -> cg.top_order = 14
[dfn] dfn( __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int){0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int){-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	1: __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int){-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int){15}    0% -> cg.top_order = 15
[dfn] dfn( _GLOBAL__I_the_CInfoLog{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:_GLOBAL__I_the_CInfoLog{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	1: _GLOBAL__I_the_CInfoLog{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member _GLOBAL__I_the_CInfoLog{16}    0% -> cg.top_order = 16
[dfn] dfn( _GLOBAL__D_the_CInfoLog{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:_GLOBAL__D_the_CInfoLog{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	1: _GLOBAL__D_the_CInfoLog{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member _GLOBAL__D_the_CInfoLog{17}    0% -> cg.top_order = 17
[dfn] dfn( __do_global_ctors_aux{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:__do_global_ctors_aux{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	1: __do_global_ctors_aux{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member __do_global_ctors_aux{18}    0% -> cg.top_order = 18
[dfn] dfn( call___do_global_ctors_aux{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:call___do_global_ctors_aux{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	1: call___do_global_ctors_aux{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member call___do_global_ctors_aux{19}    0% -> cg.top_order = 19
[dfn] dfn( _init{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:_init{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	1: _init{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member _init{20}    0% -> cg.top_order = 20
[dfn] dfn( _fini{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:_fini{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	1: _fini{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member _fini{21}    0% -> cg.top_order = 21
[dfn] dfn( <hicore>{0}    0% )
[pre_visit]		1:<hicore>{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]	1: <hicore>{-1}    0% 
[post_visit]		member <hicore>{22}    0% -> cg.top_order = 22
[cg_assemble] topological sort listing
[cg_assemble] 1:_PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_{1}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 2:internal_mcount{2}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 3:<locore>{3}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 4:_start{4}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 5:monstartup{5}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 6:_mcleanup{6}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 7:_mcount{7}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 8:mcount{8}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 9:moncontrol{9}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 10:__do_global_dtors_aux{10}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 11:call___do_global_dtors_aux{11}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 12:frame_dummy{12}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 13:call_frame_dummy{13}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 14:main{14}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 15:__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int){15}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 16:_GLOBAL__I_the_CInfoLog{16}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 17:_GLOBAL__D_the_CInfoLog{17}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 18:__do_global_ctors_aux{18}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 19:call___do_global_ctors_aux{19}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 20:_init{20}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 21:_fini{21}    0% 
[cg_assemble] 22:<hicore>{22}    0% 
[prop_flags] <hicore>{22}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[sym_lookup] 2 (3) probes, fall off
[sym_lookup] 2 (3) probes, fall off
[prop_flags] <hicore>{22}    0%  ends up with printflag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] _fini{21}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] _fini{21}  100%  ends up with printflag 1 and prop-fract 1.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] _init{20}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] _init{20}  100%  ends up with printflag 1 and prop-fract 1.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] call___do_global_ctors_aux{19}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] call___do_global_ctors_aux{19}  100%  ends up with printflag 1 and prop-fract 1.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] __do_global_ctors_aux{18}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] __do_global_ctors_aux{18}  100%  ends up with printflag 1 and prop-fract 1.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] _GLOBAL__D_the_CInfoLog{17}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] _GLOBAL__D_the_CInfoLog{17}  100%  ends up with printflag 1 and prop-fract 1.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] _GLOBAL__I_the_CInfoLog{16}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] _GLOBAL__I_the_CInfoLog{16}  100%  ends up with printflag 1 and prop-fract 1.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int){15}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int){15}  100%  ends up with printflag 1 and prop-fract 1.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] main{14}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] main{14}  100%  ends up with printflag 1 and prop-fract 1.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] call_frame_dummy{13}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] call_frame_dummy{13}  100%  ends up with printflag 1 and prop-fract 1.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] frame_dummy{12}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] frame_dummy{12}  100%  ends up with printflag 1 and prop-fract 1.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] call___do_global_dtors_aux{11}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] call___do_global_dtors_aux{11}  100%  ends up with printflag 1 and prop-fract 1.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] __do_global_dtors_aux{10}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] __do_global_dtors_aux{10}  100%  ends up with printflag 1 and prop-fract 1.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] moncontrol{9}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] moncontrol{9}  100%  ends up with printflag 1 and prop-fract 1.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] mcount{8}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[sym_lookup] 2 probes (symtab->len=3)
[sym_lookup] 2 probes (symtab->len=3)
[prop_flags] mcount{8}    0%  ends up with printflag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] _mcount{7}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[sym_lookup] 1 probes (symtab->len=3)
[sym_lookup] 1 probes (symtab->len=3)
[prop_flags] _mcount{7}    0%  ends up with printflag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] _mcleanup{6}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] _mcleanup{6}  100%  ends up with printflag 1 and prop-fract 1.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] monstartup{5}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] monstartup{5}  100%  ends up with printflag 1 and prop-fract 1.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] _start{4}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] _start{4}  100%  ends up with printflag 1 and prop-fract 1.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] <locore>{3}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[sym_lookup] 2 probes (symtab->len=3)
[sym_lookup] 2 probes (symtab->len=3)
[prop_flags] <locore>{3}    0%  ends up with printflag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] internal_mcount{2}    0% inherits print-flag 0 and prop-fract 0.000000
[prop_flags] internal_mcount{2}  100%  ends up with printflag 1 and prop-fract 1.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_flags] _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_{1}  100% inherits print-flag 1 and prop-fract 1.000000
[prop_flags] _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_{1}  100%  ends up with printflag 1 and prop-fract 1.000000
[prop_flags] time 0.000000 propself 0.000000 print_time 0.000000
[prop_time] child 	_PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_{1}  100%  with 0.000000 0.000000 3/3
[prop_time] parent	internal_mcount{2}  100% 
[prop_time] share 0.000000
[cg_assemble1] Kishore Printing
[cg_assemble] 2:internal_mcount{2}  100%  [1]
[cg_assemble] 22:<hicore>{22}    0%  (2)
[cg_assemble] 3:<locore>{3}    0%  (3)
[cg_assemble] 19:call___do_global_ctors_aux{19}  100%  [4]
[cg_assemble] 11:call___do_global_dtors_aux{11}  100%  [5]
[cg_assemble] 13:call_frame_dummy{13}  100%  [6]
[cg_assemble] 12:frame_dummy{12}  100%  [7]
[cg_assemble] 14:main{14}  100%  [8]
[cg_assemble] 8:mcount{8}    0%  (9)
[cg_assemble] 9:moncontrol{9}  100%  [10]
[cg_assemble] 5:monstartup{5}  100%  [11]
[cg_assemble] 1:_PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_{1}  100%  [12]
[cg_assemble] 17:_GLOBAL__D_the_CInfoLog{17}  100%  [13]
[cg_assemble] 16:_GLOBAL__I_the_CInfoLog{16}  100%  [14]
[cg_assemble] 15:__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int){15}  100%  [15]
[cg_assemble] 18:__do_global_ctors_aux{18}  100%  [16]
[cg_assemble] 10:__do_global_dtors_aux{10}  100%  [17]
[cg_assemble] 21:_fini{21}  100%  [18]
[cg_assemble] 20:_init{20}  100%  [19]
[cg_assemble] 6:_mcleanup{6}  100%  [20]
[cg_assemble] 7:_mcount{7}    0%  (21)
[cg_assemble] 4:_start{4}  100%  [22]
Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
 no time accumulated

  %   cumulative   self              self     total           
 time   seconds   seconds    calls  Ts/call  Ts/call  name    
  0.00      0.00     0.00        3     0.00     0.00  _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_{1}  100% 
  0.00      0.00     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  internal_mcount{2}  100% 
[sym_lookup] 2 (3) probes, fall off
[sym_lookup] 2 probes (symtab->len=3)
[sym_lookup] 1 probes (symtab->len=3)
[sym_lookup] 2 probes (symtab->len=3)

 %         the percentage of the total running time of the
time       program used by this function.

cumulative a running sum of the number of seconds accounted
 seconds   for by this function and those listed above it.

 self      the number of seconds accounted for by this
seconds    function alone.  This is the major sort for this

calls      the number of times this function was invoked, if
           this function is profiled, else blank.
 self      the average number of milliseconds spent in this
ms/call    function per call, if this function is profiled,
	   else blank.

 total     the average number of milliseconds spent in this
ms/call    function and its descendents per call, if this 
	   function is profiled, else blank.

name       the name of the function.  This is the minor sort
           for this listing. The index shows the location of
	   the function in the gprof listing. If the index is
	   in parenthesis it shows where it would appear in
	   the gprof listing if it were to be printed.
		     Call graph (explanation follows)

granularity: each sample hit covers 2 byte(s) no time propagated

index % time    self  children    called     name
                0.00    0.00       1/1           <locore>{3}    0%  (3)
[1]      0.0    0.00    0.00       1         internal_mcount{2}  100%  [1]
                0.00    0.00       3/3           _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_{1}  100%  [12]
                0.00    0.00       3/3           internal_mcount{2}  100%  [1]
[12]     0.0    0.00    0.00       3         _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_{1}  100%  [12]

 This table describes the call tree of the program, and was sorted by
 the total amount of time spent in each function and its children.

 Each entry in this table consists of several lines.  The line with the
 index number at the left hand margin lists the current function.
 The lines above it list the functions that called this function,
 and the lines below it list the functions this one called.
 This line lists:
     index	A unique number given to each element of the table.
		Index numbers are sorted numerically.
		The index number is printed next to every function name so
		it is easier to look up where the function in the table.

     % time	This is the percentage of the `total' time that was spent
		in this function and its children.  Note that due to
		different viewpoints, functions excluded by options, etc,
		these numbers will NOT add up to 100%.

     self	This is the total amount of time spent in this function.

     children	This is the total amount of time propagated into this
		function by its children.

     called	This is the number of times the function was called.
		If the function called itself recursively, the number
		only includes non-recursive calls, and is followed by
		a `+' and the number of recursive calls.

     name	The name of the current function.  The index number is
		printed after it.  If the function is a member of a
		cycle, the cycle number is printed between the
		function's name and the index number.

 For the function's parents, the fields have the following meanings:

     self	This is the amount of time that was propagated directly
		from the function into this parent.

     children	This is the amount of time that was propagated from
		the function's children into this parent.

     called	This is the number of times this parent called the
		function `/' the total number of times the function
		was called.  Recursive calls to the function are not
		included in the number after the `/'.

     name	This is the name of the parent.  The parent's index
		number is printed after it.  If the parent is a
		member of a cycle, the cycle number is printed between
		the name and the index number.

 If the parents of the function cannot be determined, the word
 `<spontaneous>' is printed in the `name' field, and all the other
 fields are blank.

 For the function's children, the fields have the following meanings:

     self	This is the amount of time that was propagated directly
		from the child into the function.

     children	This is the amount of time that was propagated from the
		child's children to the function.

     called	This is the number of times the function called
		this child `/' the total number of times the child
		was called.  Recursive calls by the child are not
		listed in the number after the `/'.

     name	This is the name of the child.  The child's index
		number is printed after it.  If the child is a
		member of a cycle, the cycle number is printed
		between the name and the index number.

 If there are any cycles (circles) in the call graph, there is an
 entry for the cycle-as-a-whole.  This entry shows who called the
 cycle (as parents) and the members of the cycle (as children.)
 The `+' recursive calls entry shows the number of function calls that
 were internal to the cycle, and the calls entry for each member shows,
 for that member, how many times it was called from other members of
 the cycle.

Index by function name

  [12] _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_{1}  100%  [1] internal_mcount{2}  100% 

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