Howto change flags of a section?

Thierry Bidault
Thu Oct 24 03:23:00 GMT 2002

Hello from France,

I'm using bfd 2.9.1
and I'm wrtting a binutil that adds the flag SEC_EXCLUDE to a given

I have used bfd_set_section_flags for it, but the flags of this section
are not changed (for instance with objdump I can't see them).

Do you have any idea where this comes from?

Thank you very much for your help.

This is the code I wrote:

 static void
set_section_flags (bfd *ibfd, sec_ptr isection, PTR obfdarg)
  if (strcmp(isection->name, ".mysection") == 0) {
    flagword flags;
    flags = bfd_get_section_flags (ibfd, isection);

    /* Add SEC_EXCLUDE flag to .profile_info section to tell the linker
       to erase this section when creating a final binary*/
    flags |= SEC_EXCLUDE;
    if (!bfd_set_section_flags (ibfd, isection, flags))
      fprintf(stderr,"set flags ERROR\n");
    fprintf(stdout,"new flags for %s:0x%x\n", isection->name,

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  char *file = NULL;
  int f;
  bfd *abfd;

  file = argv[1];
  f = open (file, O_RDWR, 0);
  if (f < 0)
      bfd_set_error (bfd_error_system_call);
      bfd_fatal (file);

  abfd = bfd_fdopenr (file, (const char *) NULL, f);
  if (abfd == NULL)
    bfd_fatal (file);
  if (!bfd_check_format (abfd, bfd_object))
      fprintf (stderr, "Not a bfd_object %s ! \n", file);
      exit (-1);
  bfd_map_over_sections (abfd, set_section_flags, (void *) NULL);
  if (!bfd_close (abfd))
    bfd_fatal (file);
  return 0;

Thierry Bidault

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