Is there a tool, given .o file, generating the corresponding .s file in Linux?

Denis Vlasenko
Wed Oct 9 23:23:00 GMT 2002

On 9 October 2002 15:58, Haizhi Xu wrote:
> Dear all:
> I am looking for a tool, given .o file, to generate the corresponding
> .s file.
> My intension is to convert the .o obj file back into a .s assembly
> file. After doing some 'change' to the assembly file, I need to
> recompile it back to the .o file.
> I tried 'objdump', it was ok. But I need to manually copy the screen
> to a file and revise it. Besides, the ".type main, @function" needs
> to be added to the code manually.

What do you mean by 'manually'? Since when output redirection
ceased to work for objdump? :-)

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