ld-cris testsuite fix for 2.12 branch

Alan Modra amodra@bigpond.net.au
Tue May 28 22:30:00 GMT 2002

On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 04:18:45AM -0400, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> I'd rather the branch was dead, and our next release come off the trunk
> in a few months.  But feel free to move it over; there will be another
> release off the branch if it becomes necessary.

How about making 2.13.0 sooner, branching in a couple of weeks, then
stabilizing for a couple of weeks.  If it's not too much work, that

I'm itching to commit some gas changes that will no doubt break
mainline for some ports.

Alan Modra
IBM OzLabs - Linux Technology Centre

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