[Gcl-devel] Re: Flushing the d-cache (was Re: BFD relocations)

Camm Maguire camm@enhanced.com
Fri Jun 14 12:22:00 GMT 2002

Greetings, and thanks for your reply!

With or without the loop, I'm able to build gcl/maxima on arm, and run
most of the 'make test' in the maxima package without failure.  Up
until this point:  is this still not a data cache flushing issue?
SIGILL received, and the assembly and registers look fine in gdb.  As
background, gcl is loading compiled objects at a certain place in
memory, relocating the symbols, (supposedly) flushing the data cache,
and then executing the object.  

I still see this behavior even if all attempts to flush the data cache
are removed.  Makes me think that the swi instruction is no working.
Are there alignment requirements on the arguments?  Why aren't
a1,a2,a3 shown in the assembly?  I've included the CLEAR_CACHE code
and its assembly below as well.

Any pointers/ideas most appreciated!  Arm maxima is very close!


(Many correct results)

..Which was correct
/* ********************** Problem 24. *************** */ 
%Input is
	 1/2	    1/2	 1/2    - p T
SPECINT(T    %J (2 A    T   ) %E     , T)

The result is
	  - A/p

..Which was correct
/* ********************** Problem 25. *************** */ 
%Input is
	 3/2		   - p T
SPECINT(T    %M	     (T) %E     , T)
	       1/2, 1

The result is
       1	        1
6 (--------- + --------------------)
	 1	    1	      1	  2
   1 - -----   (p + -) (1 - -----)
	   1	    2	        1
       p + -		    p + -
	   2		        2
		   1 4
	      (p + -)

..Which was correct
/* ********************** Problem 26. *************** */ 
%Input is

The result is

..Which was correct
/* ********************** Problem 27. *************** */ 
%Input is
	  A T  2      1/2    - p T
SPECINT(%E    T  ERF(T	 ) %E	  , T)

The result is
	   1		        1			   3
15 (--------------- - ---------------------- + -------------------------)
	   1			 1	 3/2	        2    1	     5/2
    SQRT(----- + 1)   (p - A) (----- + 1)      4 (p - A)  (----- + 1)
	 p - A		       p - A			   p - A
			      4 (p - A)

..Which was correct
Congratulations: No differences!
No Errors Found

Program received signal SIGILL, Illegal instruction.
0x00036ee0 in number_to_double (x=0xb7212c) at number.c:239
239			return(number_to_double(x->rat.rat_num) /
(gdb) hello
Dump of assembler code for function number_to_double:
0x36e58 <number_to_double>:	mov	r12, sp
0x36e5c <number_to_double+4>:	stmdb	sp!, {r4, r11, r12, lr, pc}
0x36e60 <number_to_double+8>:	sfm	f4, 1, [sp, -#12]!
0x36e64 <number_to_double+12>:	sub	r11, r12, #4	; 0x4
0x36e68 <number_to_double+16>:	sub	sp, sp, #4	; 0x4
0x36e6c <number_to_double+20>:	str	r0, [r11, -#32]
0x36e70 <number_to_double+24>:	ldr	r3, [r11, -#32]
0x36e74 <number_to_double+28>:	ldrb	r3, [r3]
0x36e78 <number_to_double+32>:	sub	r3, r3, #1	; 0x1
0x36e7c <number_to_double+36>:	cmp	r3, #4	; 0x4
0x36e80 <number_to_double+40>:	ldrls	pc, [pc, r3, lsl #2]
0x36e84 <number_to_double+44>:	b	0x36f0c <number_to_double+180>
0x36e88 <number_to_double+48>:	muleq	r3, r12, lr
0x36e8c <number_to_double+52>:	andeq	r6, r3, r12, lsr #29
0x36e90 <number_to_double+56>:	andeq	r6, r3, r0, asr #29
0x36e94 <number_to_double+60>:	andeq	r6, r3, r8, ror #29
0x36e98 <number_to_double+64>:	streqd	r6, [r3], -r8
0x36e9c <number_to_double+68>:	ldr	r3, [r11, -#32]
0x36ea0 <number_to_double+72>:	ldr	r3, [r3, #4]
0x36ea4 <number_to_double+76>:	fltd	f0, r3
0x36ea8 <number_to_double+80>:	b	0x36f1c <number_to_double+196>
0x36eac <number_to_double+84>:	ldr	r0, [r11, -#32]
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---

0x36eb0 <number_to_double+88>:	bl	0x35d34 <big_to_double>
0x36eb4 <number_to_double+92>:	stfd	f0, [sp, -#8]!
0x36eb8 <number_to_double+96>:	ldmia	sp!, {r3, r4}
0x36ebc <number_to_double+100>:	b	0x36f1c <number_to_double+196>
0x36ec0 <number_to_double+104>:	ldr	r3, [r11, -#32]
0x36ec4 <number_to_double+108>:	ldr	r0, [r3, #8]
0x36ec8 <number_to_double+112>:	bl	0x36e58 <number_to_double>
0x36ecc <number_to_double+116>:	mvfd	f4, f0
0x36ed0 <number_to_double+120>:	ldr	r3, [r11, -#32]
0x36ed4 <number_to_double+124>:	ldr	r0, [r3, #4]
0x36ed8 <number_to_double+128>:	bl	0x36e58 <number_to_double>
0x36edc <number_to_double+132>:	dvfd	f4, f4, f0
0x36ee0 <number_to_double+136>:	mvfd	f0, f4
0x36ee4 <number_to_double+140>:	b	0x36f1c <number_to_double+196>
0x36ee8 <number_to_double+144>:	ldr	r3, [r11, -#32]
0x36eec <number_to_double+148>:	ldfs	f0, [r3, #4]
0x36ef0 <number_to_double+152>:	mvfd	f0, f0
0x36ef4 <number_to_double+156>:	b	0x36f1c <number_to_double+196>
0x36ef8 <number_to_double+160>:	ldr	r3, [r11, -#32]
0x36efc <number_to_double+164>:	ldmib	r3, {r3, r4}
0x36f00 <number_to_double+168>:	stmdb	sp!, {r3, r4}
0x36f04 <number_to_double+172>:	ldfd	f0, [sp], #8
0x36f08 <number_to_double+176>:	b	0x36f1c <number_to_double+196>
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---q
(gdb) hello
i reg f0
i reg f0
f0             0	(raw 0x000000000000000000000000)
(gdb) i reg f4
i reg f4
f4             0	(raw 0x000000000000000000000000)
#define CLEAR_CACHE do {\
  void *v=memory->cfd.cfd_start,*ve=v+memory->cfd.cfd_size; \
  register unsigned long _beg __asm ("a1") = (unsigned long)(v);	\
  register unsigned long _end __asm ("a2") = (unsigned long)(ve);\
  register unsigned long _flg __asm ("a3") = 0;			\
  __asm __volatile ("swi 0x9f0002		@ sys_cacheflush"	\
		    : /* no outputs */					\
		    : /* no inputs */					\
		    : "a1");						\
} while (0)

 82c:	e1a03000 	mov	r3, r0
 830:	e3530000 	cmp	r3, #0	; 0x0
 834:	0a00020f 	beq	844 <fasload+0x620>
 838:	e3a03000 	mov	r3, #0	; 0x0
 83c:	e50b3018 	str	r3, [fp, -#24]
 840:	ea000213 	b	854 <fasload+0x630>
 844:	e59f00a8 	ldr	r0, [pc, #168]	; 8f4 <fasload+0x6d0>
 848:	ebfffffe 	bl	0 <round_up>
 84c:	e1a03000 	mov	r3, r0
 850:	e50b3018 	str	r3, [fp, -#24]
 854:	e51b0134 	ldr	r0, [fp, -#308]
 858:	ebfffffe 	bl	0 <round_up>
 85c:	e51b3120 	ldr	r3, [fp, -#288]
 860:	e5933004 	ldr	r3, [r3, #4]
 864:	e50b3154 	str	r3, [fp, -#340]
 868:	e51b3120 	ldr	r3, [fp, -#288]
 86c:	e5932008 	ldr	r2, [r3, #8]
 870:	e51b3154 	ldr	r3, [fp, -#340]
 874:	e0833002 	add	r3, r3, r2
 878:	e50b3158 	str	r3, [fp, -#344]
 87c:	ef9f0002 	swi	0x009f0002
 880:	e51b011c 	ldr	r0, [fp, -#284]
 884:	e51b1120 	ldr	r1, [fp, -#288]
 888:	e51b2018 	ldr	r2, [fp, -#24]
 88c:	e3a03000 	mov	r3, #0	; 0x0
 890:	ebfffffe 	bl	0 <round_up>
 894:	e51b212c 	ldr	r2, [fp, -#300]
 898:	e59f3048 	ldr	r3, [pc, #72]	; 8e8 <fasload+0x6c4>
 89c:	e5832000 	str	r2, [r3]
 8a0:	e51b2130 	ldr	r2, [fp, -#304]
 8a4:	e59f3040 	ldr	r3, [pc, #64]	; 8ec <fasload+0x6c8>
 8a8:	e5832000 	str	r2, [r3]
 8ac:	e59f3094 	ldr	r3, [pc, #148]	; 948 <fasload+0x724>
 8b0:	e5930000 	ldr	r0, [r3]
 8b4:	ebfffffe 	bl	0 <round_up>
 8b8:	e1a02000 	mov	r2, r0
 8bc:	e59f3088 	ldr	r3, [pc, #136]	; 94c <fasload+0x728>
 8c0:	e1520003 	cmp	r2, r3
 8c4:	0a000234 	beq	8d8 <fasload+0x6b4>
 8c8:	e59f0080 	ldr	r0, [pc, #128]	; 950 <fasload+0x72c>
 8cc:	e51b3120 	ldr	r3, [fp, -#288]

Philip Blundell <pb@nexus.co.uk> writes:

> On Fri, 2002-06-14 at 16:51, Camm Maguire wrote:
> > #define CLEAR_CACHE do {\
> >   void *v=memory->cfd.cfd_start,*ve=v+memory->cfd.cfd_size; \
> >   for (;v<ve;v+=16)   {   \
> >        register unsigned long _beg __asm ("a1") = (unsigned long)(v);	\
> >        register unsigned long _end __asm ("a2") = (unsigned long)(v+16);\
> >        register unsigned long _flg __asm ("a3") = 0;			\
> >        __asm __volatile ("swi 0x9f0002		@ sys_cacheflush"	\
> > 		    : /* no outputs */					\
> > 		    : /* no inputs */					\
> > 		    : "a1");						\
> >        }\
> You don't need the loop.  The arm sys_cacheflush can be given arbitrary
> regions, it works the cache line size out for itself.
> p.
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Camm Maguire			     			camm@enhanced.com
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah

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