Build fails

DJ Delorie
Thu Feb 21 01:24:00 GMT 2002

2.11.2's libiberty/strerror.c looks like this:

/* Note that errno.h (not sure what OS) or stdio.h (BSD 4.4, at least)
   might declare sys_errlist in a way that the compiler might consider
   incompatible with our later declaration, perhaps by using const
   attributes.  So we hide the declaration in errno.h (if any) using a
   macro. */
#define sys_errlist sys_errlist__

#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>

#undef sys_errlist

The current development version looks like this:

/* Note that errno.h (not sure what OS) or stdio.h (BSD 4.4, at least)
   might declare sys_errlist in a way that the compiler might consider
   incompatible with our later declaration, perhaps by using const
   attributes.  So we hide the declaration in errno.h (if any) using a
   macro. */
#define sys_nerr sys_nerr__
#define sys_errlist sys_errlist__

#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>

#undef sys_nerr
#undef sys_errlist

See if that fixes it (it should).

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