Why are selective tests XFAIL'd on MIPS?

H. J. Lu hjl@lucon.org
Thu Aug 1 07:59:00 GMT 2002

On Thu, Aug 01, 2002 at 10:56:53AM -0400, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> I just run check-ld in a mips-elf toolchain and got four XPASSes,
> corresponding to:
> # FIXME: Instead of table, read settings from each source-file.
> set seltests {
>   {selective1 C   1.c  {}       {}    {dropme1 dropme2} {alpha*-*}}
>   {selective2 C   2.c  {}       {}    {foo} {alpha*-* mips*-*}}
>   {selective3 C   2.c  {-u foo} {foo} {{foo 0}} {mips*-*}}
>   {selective4 C++ 3.cc {}       {start a A::foo() B::foo()} {A::bar()} {alpha*-*  mips*-*}}
>   {selective5 C++ 4.cc {}       {start a A::bar()} {A::foo() B::foo()} {alpha*-*  mips*-*}}
>   {selective6 C++ 5.cc {}       {start a A::bar()}
>     {A::foo() B::foo() dropme1() dropme2()} {*-*-*}}
> }
> from selective.exp.  Does anyone know why these tests are marked XFAIL for

They failed on Linux/mips with gcc 2.96.


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