-Tbss on ELF harmful?

Ian Lance Taylor ian@airs.com
Mon Oct 29 18:47:00 GMT 2001

DJ Delorie <dj@redhat.com> writes:

> One of our customers has pointed out that -Tbss doesn't work with ELF
> because the __bss_start symbol is not actually inside the .bss
> section, and thus won't get moved with it.  However, __bss_start also
> encompasses .sbss, so we can't just move the symbol inside .bss to fix
> it.  I can think of a couple of hacks to try to detect cases where it
> breaks/works, but they're really hacks and still not 100% reliable.  I
> hate to remove or deprecate it, because for some formats (like the
> a.out it was designed for) it's an appropriate option.
> What to do?  Ideas?  Opinions?

None of -Ttext, -Tdata, or -Tbss work for ELF.  They do the wrong
thing, since they affect sections rather than segments.  Don't use

For ELF you have to use a linker script.  Or we could design different
options which did the right thing, somehow.


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