Can non-libiberty includes be moved out of include/ ?

David O'Brien
Fri Nov 2 11:13:00 GMT 2001

I know this is going to be controveral... But could non libiberty
includes be moved from include to bu-include?  The reason being is that
at the moment it is hard to build a Cygnus-like cross build tree from the
Binutils, gdb, and GCC sources.  The only conflicting directory is
include, and since the GCC version of libiberty are the "golden" bits,
I'd prefer to use those.

(yes, I know I can copy the GCC include/ on top of the binutils include/,
but I want to create the Cygnus-like tree with symlinks so I can still
easily `cvs up' it).

-- David  (

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