maintainership of PEI code in BFD

DJ Delorie
Thu Oct 26 08:42:00 GMT 2000

> The specs for PE+ are available online.


> Looking at the ChangeLog file a bit closer, I realized that perhaps
> the problem was due to that fact that there were two separate binutils
> trees?

Around Sept 1999 there was a major set of changes by Donn Terry to PE
in binutils, to support Interix (PE for the NT Posix subsystem).  That
was halted partway through due to Microsoft buying Interix.  PE
remained broken for about a year, during which Cygnus didn't import
anything to their internal repository.  Mumit Khan maintained a
private branch for Cygwin based on just before the Interix patches.

About a year later, Cygnus finally merged binutils to its internal
repository and thus was committed to fixing the PE problem.  I did
that, mostly by reverting key parts of Donn's changes and fixing other

> So, let me ask another way: can someone help me get the 64-bit
> extensions of the PE+ support working again?

I'd have to read the PE+ specs before I can answer that.

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