hppa .reg

Alan Modra alan@linuxcare.com.au
Wed Aug 23 03:41:00 GMT 2000

   I've just spent a bit of time modifying tc-hppa.c:pa_parse_number and
sundry places where it's called to allow: 

pte: .reg %r16
 depd    pte,31,32,pte

Previously, gas would barf on lack of a `%' followed by one of the
predefined regs for any FLAG_STRICT insn like the above `depd'.

All well and good, but my patch puts these register alias symbols into
reg_section, the natural place for them to go, and this happens to kill
one of the hppa tests.  gas/testsuite/gas/hppa/parse/regpopbug.s is like

r0:     .reg    %r0
shift:  .reg    %sar
fpreg10: .reg   %fr10
shift2: .reg    shift

; Make sure we didn't botch .equ...
yabba:  .equ    r0 + shift

and adding two register symbols ain't an absolute expression for the
`.equ', so I've "botched .equ"

Now the question is, does adding two reg symbols make sense (it doesn't 
to me), or is this particular case a backwards compatibility issue?  Can 
someone tell me what the current hp assembler does with the above test?

Regards, Alan Modra
Linuxcare.  Support for the Revolution.

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