Patch: Support .loc STABS directive on ELF based toolchains.

Nick Clifton
Thu Sep 30 02:18:00 GMT 1999

Hi Ian,

: We don't reject .loc outside of a .text section because we are
: mean-hearted.  We reject it because it won't work.  ECOFF debugging
: information builds a single table of line numbers for an object file.
: That table is implicitly assumed to be attached to the .text section.
: I don't see how to avoid that, given the weird construction of the
: ECOFF symbol table.
: If you want to use ECOFF debugging information, I think you need to
: avoid using linkonce sections.  Or vice-versa.  I recommend using
: straight stabs debugging information instead.
: If the debugging information really does work correctly, particularly
: after processing through ld -r, let me know (by work correctly, I mean
: that objdump -dl and gdb can correctly report line numbers for the
: linkonce functions in question).

You are right - it doesn't really work.  I was fooled into believing
that it did because some line number information does get through into
the object file, but not the information for the constructors and

I withdraw my patch and I will look to see if I can find a way for gcc
to workaround this.


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