Jeffrey A Law law@cygnus.com
Thu Jul 1 00:00:00 GMT 1999

  In message < 19990605035401.13429.qmail@daffy.airs.com >you write:
  > No, I believe set_symtab must be called before the relocations are
  > written out.
  > One way to avoid it would be to call symbol_get_bfdsym immediately
  > after creating dummy_symbol, to force it to be converted to a real
  > symbol before set_symtab is called.
  > Another way would be not use dummy_symbol for this at all, and instead
  > call bfd_create_empty_symbol directly to get something you can set the
  > reloc sym_ptr_ptr field to point to.
What I do not understand (possibly because I haven't read Ian's revamped
code yet) is what we gain by not using bfd_abs_symbol anymore.  ie, what
is the point behind generating some new dummy symbol when we have a suitable
symbol handy?

Or is it the case that bfd_abs_symbol is no longer useable in this manner?


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