
An acme-inspired GNU poke interface

This project consists of a bunch of small C programs that used together and collated by a screen manager (at the moment tmux is supported) provide a very flexible and powerful user interface to GNU poke, the extensible editor for binary data.

These small C programs communicate with the poke daemon acting as pokelets, executing Poke code, processing the results, and implementing the several components of the user interface: REPL, byte-dump output, input and evaulation of multi-line Poke programs, tree viewer and editor of Poke data structures, etc.


To browse the git repository via the web use the gitweb interface.

You can check out a copy of the git repository directly using the following command:

  git clone
After cloning the repository, you have to bootstrap it:
  cd pacme
To build:
  mkdir build && cd build
  make install


Pokelets are small programs that interact with poked daemon. This project provides the following pokelets:


Reads from stdin and send it to an input channel over /tmp/poked.ipc unix domain socket. By default, it sends the data to input channel 1.


  # Send `var a = 1;' string to channel 1 (code channel)
  echo 'var a = 1;' | plet-in

  # Send `a;' string to channel 2 (command channel)
  # (You can see the value of `a' in output channel 1)
  echo 'a;' | plet-in -c 2

Subscribes to output channel (over /tmp/poked.ipc) and prints the data in stdout. If subscribed to output channel 1 (default Poke output channel), it'll process data before printing to stdout. To disable the processing, you can use -r option.


  # Process and show data written to output channel 1 (Poke stdout output)

  # In raw mode:
  plet-out -r

A REPL (Read/Evaluate/Print Loop) to send code/command to input channel 1 and channel 2.

Every input will be send to code channel (evaluated by pk_compile_buffer function in poked) unless the first (non-whitespace) character is a semi-colon (;). A line that starts with a ; will be send to the command channel (evaluated by pk_compile_statement and the value will be printed in the output channel 1 in poked). This behavior is different from the poke CLI application; to enable compatibility use option -p.



Show disassembly of Poke functions and expressions (as PVM instructions or native instructions) produced using plet_disas_func and plet_disas_expr Poke functions.


A multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly pokelet based on Capstone.

pacme Layouts

There are a bunch of pre-defined layouts to arrange pokelets.

When you open the pacme, you have two options:

List of pre-defined layouts:

Layout KeyAppearance
    |           |
    |   Editor  |
    |           |
    | plet-repl |
    | plet-out  |
    |           |
    | plet-repl |
    |           |
    | plet-vu   |
    | plet-out  |
