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Re: getting all nodes from a certain level in the xml hierarchy

> my problem is the following:
> my XML document maps the structure of a folder tree (just like the unix
> hierarchy) but without files, e.g.:
> <Folder NAME="/">
>   <Folder NAME="a"/>
>   <Folder NAME="b">
>     <Folder NAME="ba"/>
>     <Folder NAME="bb"/>
>   </Folder>
>   ...
>   <Folder NAME="z">
>     <Folder NAME="za">
> ...
>                 <Folder NAME="very deep folder"/>
>       ...
>     </Folder>
>   </Folder
> </Folder>
> The real folder NAMEs are like real folder names, and have no specific
> length or content.
> The depth of the deepest node is unknown.
> I need to access all nodes that have the same depth.
> So first i need root, then all direct childs of root, then all nodes that
> are two levels under root, because i want tu put them in a table like:
> level | 0 |  1  |  2   ...         x
> ------+---+-----+------     ---------------
>       | / |  a  |  ba       very deep folder
>       |   |  b  |  bb
>             ...
>       |   |  z  |  za
> first I started to try <xsl:for-each select="//Folder"> and then
> <xsl:for-each select="//Folder/Folder"> but because I do not know the
> of the tree, this won't work..

Another reason, why this wouldn't work: "//Folder" selects all folders at
any tree level. "//Folder/Folder selects alls folders which have a parent

> Can anybody help me, what is the direction i should go?
> I don't think there is an easy way to use XPath for adressing nodes on the
> same level?

In General "/*/*/*/*" selects all nodes at the fourth level, for instance.

However I can't yet think of a single transformation that could possibly
yield such a list. Do you really want text-output? Or do you want an HTML
table? If it helps to have an intermediate document containing a simple list
of Folders with their level in an attribute value, you can use:

<xsl:for-each select="//Folder">
<Folder NAME="{@NAME}" LEVEL="{count(ancestor::*)}"/>

It should be rather easy to build your table from this intermediate

Martin Lormes

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