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Re: RE: untitled from Biray Giray: colour on first occurrenceof an a ttribute value.

Hello Tom,

you created a little bit oversized Muenchian Method.

> I wonder if you could use a key? How about
> <xsl:key name="firsts"
> match="//Content[not(./preceding::Content/@ContentText=./@ContentText)]"
> use="@ContentText"/>

With your key you only have these nodes in your key-table, which are the 
first with its attribute value. So you would not need the Muenchian 
Method itself:

> <xsl:when test="(count(. | key('firsts',@ContentText)) = 1)">

An easy key('firsts',@contentText) would be enough.

But your code removes the real advantage of using keys. What you have in 
your key, you can write easily in your <xsl:when>. You don't need the key.

<xsl:when test="self::Content[not(preceding::Content/@ContentText = 

It's more a processing time problem then an error. Jeni gave already the 
correct code.

And one more comment: in the matcher of <xsl:key> you don't need '//'. 
The key is created for all Content elements in the file, independent on 
its level.



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