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Re: URL query as table data

Harry J. Foxwell wrote:
> <xsl:template match="Term">
> <td>
> <A HREF="
> <xsl:apply-templates/>">
> <xsl:apply-templates/></A>
> </td>

XSLT is not an exercise in PHP-style tag-soup text substitution,
and XML is pretty clear about not allowing an element, which is
the logic structure that is implied by a start tag, an end tag,
and everything in between, to be be contained within the start
tag of another element. That wouldn't be very tidy, would it?
How would the XML parser know where element boundaries are?

Never mind. This is what you're trying to do:

    <xsl:attribute name="HREF">

   - Mike
  mike j. brown,  |  xml/xslt:
  denver/boulder, colorado, usa   |  personal:

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