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Re: effecient inline multi-conditional testing


If I understand you correctly, this is one way to do what you want. It uses 
an internal lookup table.

<local:true xmlns:local="local-namespace">
   <!-- all your true values go in here -->

<xsl:template name="cast-boolean">
   <xsl:param name="b-value" select="'false'"/>
   <xsl:variable name="true-values" select="document('')/*/local:true/value"/>
     <xsl:when test="$b-value = $true-values">
       <!-- return true -->
       <!-- return false -->

Note that this approach is tolerant of unlisted values, returning false for 
them. It can be extended to be more choosy about these, however, by adding 
a second node set for the false values.

It works by using observing that in XPath, a string equals a node-set if 
its value equals the value of one of the nodes in the node set.

I'm not sure this is what you want, however: if not, please be more 
specific about what you mean by "cast". You want any of a set of values to 
resolve as true, correct? (And any of another set to resolve as false?)


At 08:41 AM 11/20/01, you wrote:
>Dear <xsl-list:gurus/>,
>here's the task:
>   -create a template to cast an overloaded boolean value
>here's the psuedo-template:
>         <xsl:template name="cast:boolean">
>                 <xsl:param name="b-value">
>                         <!-- overloaded boolean value;
>                                 some potential values may be:
>                                         1.  'true' or 'false' or 't' or 'f'
>                                         2.  'yes' or 'no' or 'y' or 'n'
>                                         3.  '1' or '0'
>                                         4.  ...
>                           -->
>                 </xsl:param>
>                 <xsl:param name="cast">
>                         <!-- 'casting' operator;
>                                 some potential values may be:
>                                         1.  'true-false' or 't-f'
>                                         2.  'yes-no' or 'y-n'
>                                         3.  '1-0'
>                                         4.  ...
>                           -->
>                 </xsl:param>
>                 <xsl:if test="$operand">
>                         <xsl:if
>or($b-value='yes')or($b-value='no') ... )">
>                                 <xsl:choose>
>                                         <xsl:when
>                                                 <!-- ... -->
>                                         </xsl:when>
>                                         <xsl:when test="('yes-no'=$cast)">
>                                                 <!-- ... -->
>                                         </xsl:when>
>                                         <xsl:otherwise>
>                                                 <!-- ... -->
>                                         </xsl:otherwise>
>                                 </xsl:choose>
>                         </xsl:if>
>                 </xsl:if>
>         </xsl:template>
>my question is this:
>Any ideas on a more effecient way to conduct the second (xsl:if) test than
>the way I'm about to?

Wendell Piez                  
Mulberry Technologies, Inc.      
17 West Jefferson Street                    Direct Phone: 301/315-9635
Suite 207                                          Phone: 301/315-9631
Rockville, MD  20850                                 Fax: 301/315-8285
   Mulberry Technologies: A Consultancy Specializing in SGML and XML

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