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Re: converting gif,jpeg,png into wbmp

On Fri, Sep 21 '01 at 22:41, Andreas Putscher wrote:
> I have an XML DTD which allows the use of images in GIF, JPEG and PNG
> format.
> Now I want to translate the original XML document into WML 1.3
> So I have to convert my images into the appropriate format, That means they
> should be resized to a certain width and height and they should be 
> converted into wbmp format.
While this can be done useing XSL-T 1.1 features (using document() to
generate multiple output documents) it is definietly out of scope for
PErhapes you should write a small java wraper, that handles your xsl-t
transformation and the transformation for your images (using something
other than xslt).
Goetz Bock                                              IT Consultant
Dipl.-Inf. Univ.

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