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sorting by date

hello again,

I've got a little problem that I've just spotted, and hoped you might help

I need to order my results in date order, except the date data is in an odd

            <Item id="1">
            <Item id="2">
            <Item id="3">
            <Item id="4">
            <Item id="5">
            <Item id="6">
            <Item id="7">
            <Item id="8">
            <Item id="9">
            <Item id="10">

So is it at all possible for me to sort these results into descending date

Not to actually convert the XML, but to read from the XML in this order.

            <Item id="8">
            <Item id="3">
            <Item id="2">
            <Item id="9">
            <Item id="1">
            <Item id="4">
            <Item id="5">
            <Item id="6">
            <Item id="7">
            <Item id="10">

Thanks if you know,


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