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Spec. Chars - Tried FAQ answers...

I am trying to use NBSP in my XSL and it is telling me
it is an undefined entity. I have tried the solutions
in the FAQ to no avail...

Example 1: within the XML DTD

<!DOCTYPE document  SYSTEM "document.dtd" [ 
<!ENTITY nbsp "&#160;"> 

- Works fine, but I don't want to use NBSP in my XML
file. I want to use it in my XSL file.

Example 2: within the XSLT stylesheet

<!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [
<!ENTITY nbsp "&#160;"> 

- Tells me that the element xsl:stylesheet is used but
is not declared in the DTD.

Here is what I am doing in my XSL:

<xsl:template match="MainMenuItem">
<b><a href="{@URL}"><xsl:apply-templates

Using MSXML, but also tried it on InstantSaxon with
same results.

Any thoughts?


Nathan Shaw
Web Applications Developer

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