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Way to find second instance?

If I do something similar to the following in ASP:

objXSL.SelectSingleNode("//@match").Value = ".[whatever = 3]"
Response.Write (objXML.TransformNode(objXSL))

then it will find the first instance of the "match" attribute in my XSL
document, right?  If so, how can I find the second instance without parsing
the XSL tree nodes.  I know I can do:

= ".[whatever = 3]"
Response.Write (objXML.TransformNode(objXSL))

But my XSL file is pretty big, and I would be scanning a lot of nodes.  Is
there a way to just do something like:

objXSL.SelectSingleNode("/@match/@match").Value = ".[whatever = 3]"
Response.Write (objXML.TransformNode(objXSL))

To set the second occurrence of "match"?  I hope this is not too confusing

Thanks in advance,
Chris Mangano

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