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Re: Interesting : Selecting unique value of an attribute

At 07:55 24/08/00 +0000, you wrote:
> >I don't know about the method
>I think it might be in the FAQ, but if not I found an excellent description
>at Jeni Tennison's tutorials (useful bookmark):

It was definitively added to my bookmark list.

[Good explanations of the algorithm]

It is the same way as the one given by Oliver Becker, except he proposed 
using generate-id() instead of the union of the nodes. I don't know if it 
is any faster or slower. However, I find it more readable.

> >It makes my processor stop, because the argument is a mix of nodes and
> >boolean operator.
> >
>How do you know that this is the cause for the processor freeze?  What XSLT
>processor are you using?

I really don't have an idea (pehaps it was me), but the error was 
specifically that the processor couldn't map nodelist to boolean, and I was 
trying the different solutions at that time sent to me at that time. My 
Processor is Oracle v2 parser.


Well, thanks to you.

Paul Terray -
tel : 01 34 58 70 76

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