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How To Inclexternal XSL files into a master XSL file

What is the syntax to link multiple child style sheets into<>
a master style sheet ...
header style sheet   p; header.xsl
footer style sheet  sp;   footer.xsl
data style sheetp;      data001.xsl
this way i can always reference the master./SPAN>
style sheet from any/all   *.xml s
and then link in header.xsl (this one nevhanges)
then the appropriate data.xsl (this changes)
then link the footer.xsl (this onver changes)
T face=Arial size=2>or the footer, they are edited in just one file
and reflected in all master.xsl files
<?xml version='1.0'?>
&sl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=">
<!-- include the header.xsl file here -->
<!-- how to include syntax here -->
<!-- include the data.xsl file here -->
N class=471171618-11022000>
<!-- how to include syntax here t;
<!-- include the footer.xsl file here -->
alsowhat is the proper syntax in the included external xsl files
are they structured the same as the master.xsl file would
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=">
<xsl:template match="/"> 
<!-- tis the header xsl file -->
</xsl:tece=Arial size=2></xsl:styleshgt;
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