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discussion about registering task_finder in user space probing


I found our task_finder embedded in each stap_uprob_spec even it is same. That will cause many times registering similar task_finder. For example,

$stap -p4 -vve 'probe process("/home/wjhuang/Download/git-1.5.6/git*").function("xmalloc"){}'

The generated C code is like,
static struct stap_uprobe_spec {
struct stap_task_finder_target finder;
unsigned long address;
const char *pathname;
const char *pp;
void (*ph) (struct context*);
unsigned return_p:1;
} stap_uprobe_specs [] = {
{ .finder = { .pathname="/home/wjhuang/Download/git-1.5.6/git", }, .address=(unsigned long)0x804b180ULL, .pp="process(\"/home/wjhuang/Download/git-1.5.6/git\").function(\"xmalloc@/home/wjhuang/Download/git-1.5.6/git-compat-util.h:256\")", .ph=&probe_1383, },
{ .finder = { .pathname="/home/wjhuang/Download/git-1.5.6/git", }, .address=(unsigned long)0x804b9cfULL, .pp="process(\"/home/wjhuang/Download/git-1.5.6/git\").function(\"xmalloc@/home/wjhuang/Download/git-1.5.6/git-compat-util.h:256\")", .ph=&probe_1383, },
{ .finder = { .pathname="/home/wjhuang/Download/git-1.5.6/git", }, .address=(unsigned long)0x804c05cULL, .pp="process(\"/home/wjhuang/Download/git-1.5.6/git\").function(\"xmalloc@/home/wjhuang/Download/git-1.5.6/git-compat-util.h:256\")", .ph=&probe_1383, },
{ .finder = { .pathname="/home/wjhuang/Download/git-1.5.6/git", }, .address=(unsigned long)0x804c3b0ULL, .pp="process(\"/home/wjhuang/Download/git-1.5.6/git\").function(\"xmalloc\")", .ph=&probe_1383, },
for (i=0; i<220; i++) {
struct stap_uprobe_spec *sups = & stap_uprobe_specs[i];
probe_point = sups->pp;
if (sups->finder.pathname) sups->finder.callback = & stap_uprobe_process_found;
else if (sups->pathname) sups->finder.vm_callback = & stap_uprobe_vmchange_found;
rc = stap_register_task_finder_target (& sups->finder);
if (rc) break;

So we will have 220 times registering similar task_finder. I think
the probe point is irrelevant to task_finder. Can we just keep only one and invoke callbacks to register all the stap_uprobes[i] once interested process found?


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